The current Defense of Pahvo event states that you can reclaim the main event reward on other characters, but upon searching through the current reclaim reward options, there is no such reclaim option. I’ve added screenshots to show I have claimed the rewards and where it states we can reclaim, plus the entire reclaim options I have available.
> @dbraymond81163#8540 said: > I'm not getting anything in the reclaim tab either. > I sent in a ticket, but so far I haven't gotten an explanation or solution
I best submit a ticket. But I have to say it’s really annoying that we need to post it on here and submit a ticket. These departments need to communicate better.
I sent in a ticket, but so far I haven't gotten an explanation or solution
> I'm not getting anything in the reclaim tab either.
> I sent in a ticket, but so far I haven't gotten an explanation or solution
I best submit a ticket. But I have to say it’s really annoying that we need to post it on here and submit a ticket. These departments need to communicate better.