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Disconnects/rubberbanding on Playstation since maintenance

g4ul0isesg4ul0ises Member Posts: 7 Arc User
Since the latest maintenance we (both myself as many other players going from global chat) are experiencing random disconnects. Luckily it hasn't happened yet with TFO's (at least for myself) but often when loading social zones. I also don't seem to see a difference (again going from global chat) for other players as myself whether the disconnect issues are more common in the morning (low online player amount) as right now (high online player amount).

The rubberbanding issues which started around the start of Risa, are sadly enough still the same. Myself and many others thought it was due to Risa and a big population in a social zone, but even now Risa ended, we are still experiencing the same issues in the same frequency,


  • oredshirt#7209 oredshirt Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    4 threads on this now. Up for a response :) also i feel like volume and stats from people talked to in zone would help.. ive been saying this in zone for over a month, post on the forum, but so few people do.... probably cause they see that this issue is being overlooked anyways.. it is a real problem...
  • g4ul0isesg4ul0ises Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Although I wanted to give it some time before bumping this thread to see if the issues would become any better, but the issues remain. We still experience disconnects and still experience quite extensive rubber banding episodes. I understand an issue like this is not an easy solve, could we at least get any notice you guys are aware of the issues and working on it?
  • g4ul0isesg4ul0ises Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Any status about this? Had another gameplay sessions with quite some rubber banding. Luckily no disconnects although I've been online for almost the entire day.

    Could we get any sign of life you guys are aware of this? Thanks in advance.
  • josh#0694 josh Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    This has been getting worse since about the beginning of July. On July 14th a tweet went out on the STO account asking what content we were seeing it on and everyone told them it was everywhere. They have known about the issue for a month now and nothing has been done about it.

  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,631 Arc User
    josh#0694 wrote: »
    They have known about the issue for a month now and nothing has been done about it.
    Just because they don't say anything, doesn't mean they aren't working on it.
    If and when they have some news to share, I'm sure we'll hear about it.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • winback19#4029 winback19 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I too have been experiencing rubber banding since the summer event, they claimed that it was due to high volume of people well here we are. Today Summer event has ended. Still experiencing rubber banding. Have reached out to them. Went back and forth several times. They were trying to tell me that it was my internet when I know it's not my internet. I tried explaining to them that I streamed destiny with no issues with rubber banding. They tried telling me. have you tried hardwire in it. I said all of the above I've tried already has made no difference. The only game that rubber bands is STO. Come on cryptic.
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Kamikaze maru event today,
    4 timeouts while trying to log in.
    A good 30 secs or more before being able to even move from onna's counter outside quarks in to by the dabo table which was a constant rubber banding back to the counter.
    Had dabo as a daily endeavour and it too another 20-30 secs for leeta to respond and for each page of blurb before being allowed to play during which I missed the first roll because it was so far behind.
    Headed into the maru and took so long loading in that the preparation timer had run out and first wave was already underway. It then proceeded to lag up and stutter its way through, even more than the normal problems caused by the refusal of cryptic to reduce the visual junk on screen.

    By some miracle I avoided an AFK flag and got the reward just before the timer expired because the game was struggling so much to drag me up to date.

    STO on PS4 has been rapidly losing any incentive to play due to the hefty sized downloads for every update recently and honestly if this lagfest is going to be the new normal it's going to get dropped without a second thought.
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