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No Ground Skills on Newly Commisioned Boffs

zeptoseczeptosec Member Posts: 6 Arc User
I recently commissioned four very rare boffs on my level 25 kdf toon, three from doff recruitment quests and one android from the special boff vendor in the barracks. All were promoted to lt. cmdr. Space abilities are normal, but all the ground abilities are gone; not listed nor able to be changed. I tried switching between tabs and even just taking them on an away mission, but while their ensign ground abilities would show in the team list, their skills tab is still blank.

Anyone else having this issue?


  • simonwaterssimonwaters Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    I had posted about the same issue. (I also put in a ticket) I just got an e-mail from the Devs, who have already kicked it up the chain to get it fixed.
  • jade#6651 jade Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same issue on multiple new characters.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,804 Community Moderator
    If one of you wants to PM your in game handle, the name of one of your toons effected, along with one of the boffs, I can pass it over to the team to look at some stuff.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • kalfou#1615 kalfou Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Good to know I'm not the only one. I bought the JHV starter pack and all my boffs show blanks in the ground abilities, although the default ones seem to be working in the ground encounters. I put in a ticket, but my Captain's name is Acutius FWIW.
  • bosman752bosman752 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same here. I put a ticket in today after noticing it over the weekend. I tried finding a work around to "get" the abilities to load but nothing worked. I also put in a ticket and was told that the devs know about it and that we''d have to wait until it can be patched. Not too bad I guess, but I hope this isn't doing this to new players. That would be insane!
  • jemmapellemma#4238 jemmapellemma Member Posts: 1 New User
    > @westmetals said:
    > It IS doing it to new players, there's a tthread on the Steam forum about it... a rookie who can't get any BOFF ground skills working at all. Every one of his BOFFs is affected.

    Can confirm it is def doing it to new players, as myself and someone else I play with have both encountered this issue after leveling up our characters for the past few weeks. As soon as I noticed my new Boff's ground skills missing I pointed it out to him and he went and looked and he had the issue too. Because we have few in-game assets, we used his highest level (like 41) character to test replacement Boffs on just one slot but because the next few he commissioned had the same lack of skills we stopped our experiment. For us: the game is broken right now, and we can't really play, just log in and queue Doff missions, that's literally it, but we each only have 1 character that can do Doffs. Plus, he's now out the original purple Boff he bought on exchange.
    Tickets have been submitted.
  • icedwrathicedwrath Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    It's not only doing this to new players. I've been around since the beginning, even pre-ordered the game back in the day.
    It doesn't only happen on "special" BOFFs either.

    I've tried the "work-arounds" like bringing BOFFs to ground, etc..
    And believe me, I've done it with all of my BOFFs, and it's the same with all.
    I've even at one point deleted and re-aquired all BOFFS(except certain BOFFs from the Discovery tutorial arc)
    Always the same.
    (edit: I even Promoted the BOFFs to max. Several times!)

    This is the first time this has happened to me, and it's only on the one character on my account..
    I deleted an old character the other day, to make a new one(since I'm maxed on my account atm. WTB EVEN more character slots, please do increase and update account max Cryptic! Yes I'll pay for more character slots! :P)

    I'm even a life-time sub. And hate to admit that I've even funneled way more money into the game over the course of the game since launch. And this is a solid gut-punch with all the broken BOFFs!

    The issues for this character, has been around since level 1. I just didn't pay attention to it, before I hit 40+ and wanted to do some Dyson Ground Battlezone. And noticed the problems persist. In my case, this is game-breaking, as I'm unable to use any BOFF abilities at all, I'm unable to do much at all in the DBG.

    If this atleast works here, I've attached a Screenshot. showing I am indeed a lifer.
    And I have indeed a D2D pre-order to my name.
    I am on ground.
    And I'm showing that it's even affecting "non special" BOFF, that's not even specialized.
  • icedwrathicedwrath Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    Correct. It seems to be happening with all newly acquired BOFFs (within the last week or two). The comment about new characters was simply that ALL of their BOFFs are affected since they are all new.

    Yeah, I figured as much after reading remainder of the posts.
    I merely tried to fill in as much info about it as I could without making a 5 page post. ><
    That way, we might get less questions later from Mods/Devs, 'what if you do this and that?'

    So they know, it doesn't matter if you're a free account. a premium account. or a subscriber.
    New account, or old.
    And it doesn't have to be a "special" BOFF, it's any.

    So hopefully they can figure this out sooner, rather than later.
    For all of our cases and sanity!

    And Yes, I'm 'very' salty about this "new experience"! :P ><
    But TRIBBLE happens. ><
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