This isn’t just a Fed thing, it’s universal.
So, when creating an alien, there is an option for Kobali markings, however, no option for a Kobali head. The Kobali head is different from the “irregular” and “ridged” heads. It is like a combo of both, but the bony ridge isn’t as pronounced.
Would you guys consider putting the Kobali head option in the game?
We have Kobali markings and Kobali uniforms, but not the head.
Also, the Kobali ear options are too large when compared to pictures of Kobali from the Voyager series.
Obviously, this is something I just stumbled on, because I decided to make a new Delta agent with a Delta species and realized there isn’t a Kobali head and the ears are too large (I use Vaadwar ears as they look more like the Kobali ears in the series.
Also, why aren’t some of the Delta species playable? With Delta rising in the game it would be nice considering Voyager allied with varies species during the series.