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Costume glitches

vesty#3846 vesty Member Posts: 13 Arc User
Is anyone else having issues with summer event costumes on Cathians and Klingons (Discovery era) ? Seems like the female characters are well outside the costume top.....as to say. I put a ticket in on the 7th of may and checked recently at the tailor and yup issue is still there. Mind you i use 1 cathian every summer event in particular and so does one of my kids. so Yeah major issue in a kinda way


  • mariqa#4594 mariqa Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    I have the same. Even on the smallest 'Bust' settings they clip severely and look odd. Anything larger and it looks like you are topless.
    Mokai - String Bikini
    Caitian - Swinsuit Tie Waist

    'Ironically doesn't seem to affect Orions, the species you'd expect it from.

  • amleth125amleth125 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Yep, same Risian costume issue on my Discovery Era Female Klingon, thanks for pointing this out. B)
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  • amleth125amleth125 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Considering all of the other more essential bugs to work out, I wonder if this matters much to the devs? Might be a long wait for a fix...
  • amleth125amleth125 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Considering that Risa starts tomorrow, we may have to endure these clipping issues, unless they include a fix with the update that starts the summer event. Wouldn't hold my breath though.
  • jameswilliejameswillie Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    From summer outfits to mirror outfits and everything in between, Cryptic doesn't even acknowledge clipping issues and defective products that are being released that way. Plus its been getting worse lately. Items that never clipped, and been in the game almost since the beginning, are now clipping. No one at Cryptic seems to have the stones to step up and acknowledge the clipping issues and actually admit either they will be fixed or they will never be fixed.
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