The toon in question is my original Temporal Recruit, made back the first time that event appeared. She finished new Romulus arc when she was new. Then Cryptic revamped parts of New Romulus and they reset some of the completion flags. Many of the arc missions are messed up in some way; I had to do most of them twice.
Now I am down to the last mission of the arc, Secrets of the Ancients. I have done the instance four times now, and it still won't complete., I finish the underground instance with the Iconian gate, message D'Tan and he beams in with his femme sidekick, and we watch the cutscene from 200.000 years ago, blah blah blah. When there's nothing more to do but exit, I exit. And I'm still stuck at the same place. I have tried googling the problem, and there are many reported problems with this arc and mission, but none of the suggestions help.
Does anyone have some idea what I can do? I am just flat out of ideas.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,975Community Moderator
I think there's also a console you have to interact with before you leave. Can't remember off the top of my head.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Yes, I think there was a "submit something or other" like in the secret tal shiar base and the caverns. Like both of those the game will let you exit as if you're just replaying the mission when you still need to make your report.
Good news - yes, after I watched the cutscene I was able to press a button "File Report" and it did complete Secrets of the Ancients
Bad news, the temporal transponder still thinks I haven't completed the New Romulus story arc. All the chapters/missions in that arc are showing the Replay button, meaning I have done them, except the first one, which is just blah blah and has no buttons available at all.
Good news - yes, after I watched the cutscene I was able to press a button "File Report" and it did complete Secrets of the Ancients
Bad news, the temporal transponder still thinks I haven't completed the New Romulus story arc. All the chapters/missions in that arc are showing the Replay button, meaning I have done them, except the first one, which is just blah blah and has no buttons available at all.
I don't know what to do. I give up.
One of the Recruits forces you to do all the area missions on Romulus. The area mission you get by each transporter pad, where you need to pick flowers/kill bug swarms/kill tal shiar spies etc. I forget which one needs it? It might be Temporal.
Same deal as the mission you described, you need to submit a report before leaving the mountain shuttle base and the tholian cave. I find myself having to rerun those missions again sometimes on my recruits simply because I forgot about that poxy report at the end.
I don't remember how I managed it but I was able to get both missions for each instance going at the same time. you said temporal.. did you find the timey whimey thing to unlock/puzzle solve/ shoot the nakul?
Have a look for the "New Romulus" accolade amongst your Story Accolades as it will tell you exactly what you need to do to get the accolade, which will unlock the reward box.
I have completed all missions except "Warehouse" but you can see from my accolade, shown below, that I'll have to replay "Staging Area", "Hidden Camera", "Secret Shuttle Codes", "Web Access" and "Latest Findings" before I unlock the reward box.
Now I am down to the last mission of the arc, Secrets of the Ancients. I have done the instance four times now, and it still won't complete.
There's a few missions ingame where you're left to just "Exit Caves", "Return to Surface" or "Beam to Ship" and you must do this by the interact button and not the "Beam Up" button by the minimap. The minimap button acts more like an "Abort Mission" button and so by finishing with it, you are technically not finishing the final step in the mission, which is usually to "Exit Caves", "Return to Surface" or "Beam to Ship" by clicking the final interact button.
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When you are in the instance, complete the mission and then hit J -Go to Episodes-New Romulus and get the next one before you leave the Mountain Base, Tholian area and Underground Iconian area.
When you are in the instance, complete the mission and then hit J -Go to Episodes-New Romulus and get the next one before you leave the Mountain Base, Tholian area and Underground Iconian area.
When I run the arc, I skip all the missions and then pick them all up at once. Good call on highlighting those three missions in particular for attention.
I don't remember how I managed it but I was able to get both missions for each instance going at the same time. you said temporal.. did you find the timey whimey thing to unlock/puzzle solve/ shoot the nakul?
The trick is you run the mission as soon as you get the Leave Instance pop up, DON'T CLICK IT! Open your mission Journal. Find the mission in your episodes tab. Hail the Mission Giver. Turn in the First Mission. Then Hail them again to get the second mission while you are still inside the instance. Watch the cutscene etc. Submit the recording. Then you can leave and turn it in
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Good news - yes, after I watched the cutscene I was able to press a button "File Report" and it did complete Secrets of the Ancients
Bad news, the temporal transponder still thinks I haven't completed the New Romulus story arc. All the chapters/missions in that arc are showing the Replay button, meaning I have done them, except the first one, which is just blah blah and has no buttons available at all.
I don't know what to do. I give up.
One of the Recruits forces you to do all the area missions on Romulus. The area mission you get by each transporter pad, where you need to pick flowers/kill bug swarms/kill tal shiar spies etc. I forget which one needs it? It might be Temporal.
I have completed all missions except "Warehouse" but you can see from my accolade, shown below, that I'll have to replay "Staging Area", "Hidden Camera", "Secret Shuttle Codes", "Web Access" and "Latest Findings" before I unlock the reward box.
There's a few missions ingame where you're left to just "Exit Caves", "Return to Surface" or "Beam to Ship" and you must do this by the interact button and not the "Beam Up" button by the minimap. The minimap button acts more like an "Abort Mission" button and so by finishing with it, you are technically not finishing the final step in the mission, which is usually to "Exit Caves", "Return to Surface" or "Beam to Ship" by clicking the final interact button.
When I run the arc, I skip all the missions and then pick them all up at once. Good call on highlighting those three missions in particular for attention.
The trick is you run the mission as soon as you get the Leave Instance pop up, DON'T CLICK IT! Open your mission Journal. Find the mission in your episodes tab. Hail the Mission Giver. Turn in the First Mission. Then Hail them again to get the second mission while you are still inside the instance. Watch the cutscene etc. Submit the recording. Then you can leave and turn it in