I don't know if anyone else is having these problems but I have a couple.
The first one is the Duty Officer Requisition - Dominion Cadre Reward, that I got as a reward when it first came out, will not open on my main character. it opens on my other alts, but not my main one. I have NEVER opened up this reward on this character. Every time I try to open it, it says that I can only have 1 unique item of this kind. I feel I was jipped on my main alt because I can't open a reward I earned.
The second bug I have been getting now for a few months or so, is every time I sign into a character it disconnects me due to no server response received. When I do sign in, I get the same thing happening on most TFO's and storyline chapters. This is getting to become a joke, where I am ready to disconnect this game permanently. I didn't pay my Lifetime membership, just to have this TRIBBLE happening without anything getting done.
I have reported these problems to support and they suggested to write it here, as others may have these or similar problems.
Somebody please HELP!! This is getting ridiculous having these problems with nothing being done!
I Think, Therefore I Am!!
Check your Doff roster (and Active Ground/Space) for Dathan, Omet'Etan and Kudak'ika. If any of these doffs are in your roster, you won't be able to open the pack.
Thank you for replying and I hope this gets sorted out soon.