This has been an annoying bug for a while, but now I finally decided to post it. When I have a stackable consumable loaded onto my ship (satellite turrets, batteries, etc.) when I change screens sometimes the game only keeps one on my ship and puts the rest back into my inventory. I have no idea why this happens.
I've previously reported it to ... @chrian#9670 before via PM, yet thought they were aware of this. Sometimes if you have consumables (Turrets, Batteries, Exotic Particle Food, or other various types you craft - etc...) up to 20 stacks, they sometimes revert to just 1, or sometimes 5, then moving the rest to Inventory. It's very inconvenient especially if it's just one, cause then you have to drag the rest of the stack back to devices; at least till they are forced out again by beaming up or down between Ground & Space. Seems mostly to only effect Ships devices, not Captains or Bridge Officers devices on Ground Maps; as best I can tell. All we can do is report it, and hope they FIX.
Note: Be nice to see them not move most to inventory, heck even increase the stacks to 50 for all devices!
So I can confirm this, it doesn't happen to ever character, but depends who is beaming up or down from Ground to Space as that mostly is the trigger, causing some to get taken out of Ship devices. Don't know why, or what changed Nov/Dec of last year...