In the new mission "Red Shift" and old mission "Renegade's Regret" you're in control of a different character and ship with preset weapons and controls. In both missions during space combat, the weapons on the ship don't work, either the torpedoes or beams. It makes combat and progress nearly impossible, and definitely not a fun experience. In "Red Shift" you have to sit back and allow the NPC ships to battle each other while you fly around and do nothing. In "Renegades Regret," the only ability that's usable is [Destabilize Warp Core] which has a 30 sec cooldown. You have to destroy 5 groups of ships that are spread out, making this very tiresome and prolonging and tedious to try and accomplish. I keep reporting this and sending in tickets, but it's been about three months since "Red Shift" dropped on PS4, and "Renegades Regret" has been out for years now, and neither have these issues fixed. STO is trying to incorporate more of these types missions in the game, yet these types of missions have the most bugs.