Seeking clarification...
"allows the player to obtain a single promotional Tier 6 starship"
"as an once per account unlock. While this initial prize package is Bound to Character, the chosen starship requisition pack will be Bound to Account."
Does the player get to open the starship on more than one character on the account?
The Promo T6 starship is one from R&D/Infinity/lockboxes and is just a single starship for just one character.
The box containing the ship is Account Bound, allowing you to trade it around your characters to get it onto the one you want the ship on.
The T6 Ship Coupons will allow you to unlock 2 Tier 6 ships from the Z-Store.
These 2 ships can then be reclaimed on all characters on your account. (This is assuming you've unlocked Cross-Faction Flying by getting a fully-fledged KDF character to level 65.)
(Flaming/trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)