I played both missions and I give credit to new stories/episodes for once, I just hope this arc will last more than 3 or 4 episodes, carry it for longer. Thank you for giving us terren that die pretty fast but why no drops in the Janeway episode where you get a briefing (sorry don't want to spoil). Nothing at all. The TFO's show the potential.
Now the bad stuff
Why in the world did you give us so many battles I could run out of my "1" and "2" key for firing as that was what it was all about last night for me. I only can get some characters to auto-fire on the ground or they auto-fire but won't fire - now this is possibly fixed and I just don't the directions to fix.
You give the iss defiant and the iss version of yourself very little skills for battle.
Couldn't you have given the ISS version of us on helium instead would be funnier. Oh well.
Several missions the bad guys don't drop and die. Instead they stay standing up and can take another 5-7 seconds before they go poof.
LETS not forget the grind yet again. Isn't there something more than more grinding, as I mention below about 30 min to finish any event. You even say the tfo's are 15 min, but even where I was with 2 high dps's players that I watch taking down one ship after another in quick pattern, it still took 30 minutes to deal with those turrets to keep online.
Below I now rant about the change in this anniversary event, you must want this event to feel like an agonizer chamber.
EVERY YEAR, every, the Omega collection was the event you had to do in order to complete daily progress but you really are taking us for a ride.
We can only do the omega 1 time per day so now you have to do a tfo or mission in order to get the 2 points Max per day. Yes I know, get 2 points next day and you could do this one day omega the next day tfo/mission.
But you decided not just to burn and grind us, you are now putting us on the worst grind in any event to date. Almost all the missions and TFO, you get stuck for about 30 minutes, 30 minutes. For those who say I didn't take that long, good for you but in the TFO's you get a scattered mix of players that might not be able to reduce the time to finish the tfo's. So this to me looks like an attempt to force us to pay to reduce the number of times of having to play these 4 long missions/tfo's which is so obvious. Just insance.
You aren't done with us, you don't allow any of the cutscenes be skipped with the escape key.
To those who said in my comments about cutting win 7 off on Feb 17 instead the end of the event and that you have plenty of time, yeah 7 days less leaving very little room for mistake.
I now request again, give us those 7 days as the current event doesn't have much room to move around in. I expected to do the usual Omega scan to build up the stacks of omega types, but I am stuck doing missions instead. Those who read this and my post that was shut down, I am not asking for anything beyond 7 days, just 7 days of 7 days left in the event. After that cut it. I am not calling for xp to be restored either. However what are they going to do in the last 7 days of the events that prevents them from allowing the event and Win 7 support end at the same time. Yes I know play on win 10, 7 is history, I have no issue with that, just biting off 7 days forces one to have to speed up their action, so there is no 150% as one person said.
I have to wonder what gearbox will do in the future in terms of involvement in future STO events.
One last comment, Win 7 for 7 days so it ends officially with the event is not unreasonable. Just let it expire with the event since whatever they have planned in those last 7 days I don't think they are going to do anything major in an event and have a problem to occur. I am not asking for xp to return. Just win7 should get the 7 days to match the event ending. Yes we have been notified in advance. However we weren't told in advance the event will not support win 7 for just 7 more days (feb 24th) and omega gathering won't help get what you need either and now one actually has to find a way to balance the progress tokens.
ATTENTION MOD, PLEASE DELETE THIS DISCUSSION ASAP. The complaint is not needed at this time. Or if you can find a way to cut out the omega is 1 pt per day type things but leave in the win 7 for 7 more days, just 7 days as there wouldn't be any major changes right in the last 7 days of the event and if there are, then well I guess other will have deal with downtime during the event as nothing goes smoothly.
"You even say the tfo's are 15 min, but even where I was with 2 high dps's players that I watch taking down one ship after another in quick pattern, it still took 30 minutes to deal with those turrets to keep online."
The Jupiter station TFO was no more than 15 minutes the two nights I've played it so far.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
The OP has requested the thread closed, though they could also EDIT the orig post, yet not the title.
The Jupiter station TFO was no more than 15 minutes the two nights I've played it so far.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator