The Setting:
I use for Years now a XBOX-Contoller connected to the PC.
I sucessfully had created Keybinds.
2 Ground Keybinds and a Space Keybind.
Mapped Keybind:
//Right Stick Down - Interact with Window (F-Key-ish)
Joy4 "InteractWindow"
The Issue:
When I am on
Dyson-Ground and I want to get Missions from the
Listitems are not activated.
I have to Use the F-Key, to Pickup the Mission. Works like always.
Listitems are not selected, or they dont get the Focus with the Controller.
What I tried:
I Press the Controller to open the Mission-Giver-Dialog, and it it open.
After that a repeated Press on the Controller, is not recognized by the Dialog.
Clicking with the Mouse into the List, (set Focus manually) then using the D-Pad Up and Down, it has then the desired Effect to select Listitems.
Then it can Activate the Mission with my Keybind (InteractWindow Mapped to Right Stick Down/Press).
I reinstelled Yesterday Star Trek Online, to be shure I have not messed up the Keybinds.
A Shower and a fresh Install seems to Help most of the Time.
I also tried GensendMessage, Setfocuses and what ever I could find to get it Working.
It is not the Only Place where it is not doing it right.
For instance The Bug Hunt right at the Beginning (First Dialog), and also in the Exchange.
(I dont need the Controller in the Exchange, but i was courious...)
Is there something that a Miss, or is it a Feature?
Any hint or bugfix would be a huge help.
Thank You in advance. Zui from Germany.
And greetings to all You Captains, keep Spamming the Activation-Bar...
24.01.2022 - Addendum:
So I tried it at "Commander Arnold" again.
If I Acivate any clickable Button/Listitem I then can use the A-Button to activate the desired ListItem.
D-Pad lets me navigate up and down the List.
So, My Bad. My Keybind with the "InteractWindow" is not recognized.
Zui the "Saurophobe"...