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Bug Report regarding Romulan & Jem'Hadar character boffs

Good Afternoon!

I sent this originally via email because I was unsure of the proper way of reporting bugs so I'm going to copy my email reply to support here per their request, apologies for the repetitiveness in my copy/pasta.

When on a Romulan or Jem'Hadar character if I am using my starter boffs obtained via turtorial missions or character creation or Special boffs from the C-Store (Delta Operations Pack, Vanguard, Julian Bashir Hologram, etc) and they have the Furiadon or Horta combat pet equipped they will not deploy those particular pets no matter how long you are in combat. If you switch out for the Targ(s), Jackal Mastiff, Elachi Walker, etc they will vigorously spawn them as soon as they can. Boffs obtained from leveling or doffing do not appear effected by this bug. Federation or KDF characters using the Vanguard, Delta Ops & other C-Store special boffs also appear to function just fine through my limited testing.

As I informed support: I am not receiving any error messages in game when this (doesn't) happen. My friend in game was the first to point it out to me when he asked if I was having issues with Tovan Khev spawning combat pets, this is what led me to checking for myself and between the two of us we discovered that it wasn't only Tovan, but all of the tutorial boffs as well as boffs acquired from the C-Store in any way. Exchange boffs such as Weyoun do not appear to be effected, nor are any boffs gained from leveling up. I'll send you my detailed analysis so that you can forward it to the department that handles bugs in game as I can't imagine this is only occurring between my friend and I even though it's not game breaking in any way.

All testing was performed on Nimbus, Firewall mission ground sections and the Dyson Sphere Ground BZ - What we discovered:

Romulan (any faction) or Jem'Hadar (any faction) - tutorial boffs and special boffs acquired from the C-Store (Delta Operations Pack, Jem'Hadar Vanguard, Julian Bashir promo, etc) seem to be unable to spawn the Furadion or Horta combat pets specifically, they will spawn (with vigor I might add) the Targs, Elachi Walker, Jackal Mastiff & Combat Tardigrade (these were all the combat pets he and I had for testing) When switching to boffs acquired from the exchange or through leveling up/doff missions this issue was not seen in any of the tests we did.

Federation (Standard, AOY, Discovery) or KDF (Standard, Discovery) - all boffs up to and including tutorial, C-Store, exchange, et al. use all combat pets with zero issues in every single test we did

As far as I can tell with the information I've gathered there appears to be an issue with those two specific pets (Furiadon & Hortas) not being recognized by the boffs obtained before a faction choice is made by Jem'Hadar and Romulan characters.

In order to replicate this (as requested by Borticus and Kael when reporting bugs) - simply beam into a combat zone on a Romulan or Jem'Hadar character with any mixture of Tutorial or C-Store special boffs and equip the Furiadon & Horta, enter combat & unless my friend and I are somehow the only ones effected those boffs should be unwilling to deploy those specific pets (even if you manually click use in their device slot). Then you can remove and slot the Targs or any of the remaining pets and (after the invisible cooldown they appear to have when equipping mid mission) they will deploy them every chance they can.

We attempted dismissing and reacquiring C-Store boffs & all pets and the issue remains as well.

If you need anymore information please let me know.
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