Absolutely loving the revamp treatment of all of the ships in game.
The recent content really shows the age of some of the original content still in game, namely the uniforms and fed weapons.
I love the TNG movie/DS9 uniforms on screen but they look so dull in game. Lower decks does a reasonably good job of making these look bold. Just lacking detail.
Also the original federation weaponry looks hideous with the holographic bits.
Any other thoughts on older content in need of the revamp love?
The original show props had features that were identifies as "holographic sights" but the VFX would have cost too much to be practical, so they said those sights were only visible from a narrow angle (the shooter's point of view). It would be great if they did that in the game instead of having the sights visible to everyone, but it would probably be just something that "enhanced" the regular GUI crosshairs and the GUI code might not allow that to be done quickly enough to be practical when changing weapons in combat.
I think a lot of the game's earlier TFOs, like the Borg and Fleet TFOs, need revamps. The old "Featured Series" missions like Cold War, 2800, and Spectres, need them also. And while they maybe don'e need full revamps, the patrols in the DQ, Romulan space, and Deferi area, could use updates, and be added to the patrol UI window.
I think the Klingon War episodes that were removed 'for revamping' should probably be given some sort of priority for revamps over anything that is still in the game.
Ground weapons in general could use a revamp (remodelling actually, I think that's a better word).
Most of the older weapons look like plastic toys. Some have interesting parts like the ground weapons from the Undine reputation, but also in those cases the rest of the weapon still looks too... cartoonish?
Most of the older weapons look like plastic toys. Some have interesting parts like the ground weapons from the Undine reputation, but also in those cases the rest of the weapon still looks too... cartoonish?
A few good examples of nice models are:
Lobi pistols
The platinum weapons
Privateer lockbox weapons
Terran weapons
MACO weapons (lobi store)
Undiscovered lockbox weapons