The doff 19 of 47 when have his proc of all energy levels on max does no provide the bonus damage of 13,2%(3,3% base damage per system) when all four subsystems are above 75 for warp cores of ultra-rare rarity and above.
The doff
With his proc up on an epic Terran warp core. All systems way above 75 and the core was only providing 6,6% (equivalent to 2 subsystems above 75)
I tested the same core with a character without this doff and the correct bonus(13,2%) was applied once all 4 subsystems were above 75. Ultra rare rarity in this case.
I tested with the same epic Terran core without the doff and achieved the 13,2% bonus when all systems were above 75.
This doff also is not providing max energy as the tool tip states. Some systems get above 115 others 125+, but rarely all systems get to max.
Also, he is not working correctly with the"") trait. Even when the systems are on max you don't get the buff. This is also happening without the doff, the trait is not working reliably since the introduction of the Klingon recruitment event. Perhaps even before.