REF: CS tickets # 594078 & 598227
Sept 11; I [martia@duncx57#5028] bought Mudd's Stealing Time Package on a Temporal Agent Recruit (AKA TOS recruit) along with 2x uniform sets during the level 05 tutorial mission to Old ESD (Explore ESD) to see Capt/ADM Walker. Game told me to get new ship and uniforms - I did. Then all interaction; mission progress window; and mission compass gone. I beamed up and restarted the 'Explore Earth Spacedock' but was/am stuck in Beta Quadrant Sector Space and cannot get my 3 Mudd Stealing Time ships on any other toons. submitted support ticket 594078 on 12 Sept.
16 days and Now CS says I have to submit a bug report to get coders to actually work this issue.
Options for Cryptic:
1. Fix stuck toon, Martia, to finish tutorial. Hopefully, after finish tutorial, I can open those ships and all toons can have access to them. (extra stuck toon ticket # 598227)
2. Move/ allow access of the Mudd Pkg to account / another, working toon for my access.
3. Refund my Zen for that Pkg
4. Refund USD value of that Pkg.
In short: Want my ships or a refund
Sounds like you beamed out of ESD using the transporter pad before finishing Welcome to earth space dock. Which has has been just fixed internally. It was never intended for the player to wander back to the transporter pad during explore earth spacedock. So until now the interaction to beam out was not investigated. However if you put in a ticket to CS to have them move your character to 23c Spacedock they should be able to do that.