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Legendary Miranda revealed



  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    We get almost nothing as regular C-store releases anymore.
    There is unfortunately very little left to release in the zen store at this point.

    We have pretty much every canonical Fed, KDF, ROM, DOM, and Cardassian ship as is(except those very background Wolf 359 ships, and like the Yeager), and Cryptic has made original designs, often multiple, for most ship classes as well.

    We know a T6 Steamrunner, and likely a T6 Saber, are being made, but beyond that theres like 20 or so Fed/KDF/ROM ships lacking a T6 version, and like 9 of those are the Dysons.

    • Aquarius Light Escort
    • Cheyenne Heavy Cruiser
    • D'Kyr Science Vessel
    • Dyson Science Destroyers
    • Emissary Star Cruiser
    • Hermes Patrol Escort
    • Nova Science Vessel
    • Olympic Research Science Vessel
    • Pioneer Utility Cruiser
    • Saber Escort
    • Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort(Coming 2021)
    • Trident Deep Space Science Vessel
    • Dyson Science Destroyers
    • HoH'SuS Bird-of-Prey
    • Dyson Science Destroyers
    • Ha'feh Assault Warbird
    • Ha'nom Guardian Warbird

    An argument that might have some weight had Cryptic not released a fair few completely original T6 ships already. Claiming there "isn't much left" based solely on what sub-T6 ships haven't yet gotten upgraded versions doesn't hold water.

    What can be said though is the number of Cryptic original Tier 6 ships is diminishing. If I recall right, the last cryptic designed ship that wasn't a Tier 6 version of a lower Tier ship was the Temer alliance raider. Everything else has either been ships that were made Legendary, Tier 6 versions of Tier 5 or lower ships, or ships that have come off the shows.

  • fallenkezef#4581 fallenkezef Member Posts: 644 Arc User
    They make it very easy for me not to spend money on this game
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    So much for the attempt at dil sinks.

    This is the second T6 Miranda they've released in just a few months, what would make anyone think the Devs care about anything other than profits anymore?
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
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  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    Kudos to the artist who did this, it's a beautiful rendition of the ship.

    Too bad the price tag means I won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
  • drunkflux#5679 drunkflux Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    The timing is very, very poor here.

    Firstly, it was like, a month ago we already had the legendary scimitar and D'Deredix?

    Secondly, we got the Multi-mission Command Cruiser, effectively a T6 miranda remake with command instead of temporal/pilot, litterally on June 24th of this year.

    It gives an instant level 65 boost to a ToS captain, not that valuable with leveling being fast.

    so I see little reason to really support this pack, outside the trait, which I don't have the numbers of. Trouble is, way I setup the majority of my alts, even, is for strong shield penetration in general, and I try to get self modulating fire on everyone I can afford to. Especially my major alts and mains(the mains of which, some are torpedo boats with even MORE shield pen abilities in).

    From what I understand, it's energy weapons. Which are effective against shields already, so it leaves me wondering how much is the shield pen through the fighting then? And on top of that, would it even be worth it? I mean, you COULD do a beam OL + recursive shearing(honestly something I have never done yet, I should try it), but even then, other ships can do that to. Fighters? Ok I suppose if you had coordinated assault also as a trait for just a bit more damage with recursive shearing, but again....I struggle to see the value of this.

    Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Wow! Som and others called a Ledgendary TOS Miranda.

    I think Laughinxan is right, the timing is kinda bad. The Clark, while not technically a Miranda is a Miranda on the Barbie front—which is the only front that counts. Also the genesis console is a lemon, and there have been little calls to fix it.

    Finally, alot of Legendary collectors just splurged on the Romulan bundle too—Eventually even the whales will reach “Legendary burnout.” I predict bad sales. Cryptic will probably then interpret this as “TOS doesn’t sell.”

    I already bought the D7 out of pity because I wanted to support more KDF content. But I am not interested in the bloatware packages. It is an affront to my sense of value.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    This is the second T6 Miranda they've released in just a few months, what would make anyone think the Devs care about anything other than profits anymore?
    the T6 Malachowski isn't a t6 Miranda, so no, it isn't the 2nd T6 Miranda they have released in a few months.

    You're really that desperate to defend your precious Devs you're trying to pull that card? Sad...real sad!

    I hope they give you free zen with how much brown nosing you do
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • edited September 2021
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  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 6,004 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    I would really like to get the TOS Miranda but at $60 that is an impossibility. If the sale continued long enough for black Friday to further lower the price along with lowering the price of buying zen at the same time then it might be buyable by anyone other than the whales, then it might be just barely affordable, but I doubt that will happen so it is a very reluctant but unavoidable pass as far as I am concerned.

    It shows that the modelers can do great TOS style ships though, now what is needed are some T6 TOS ships for the non-whales.

    In fact, if the AoY recruitment could feature a TOS T6 or leveling T5u (like the Klingon recruit BoP or the regular Jem'Hadar bugship respectively) in addition to new TOS ships in general that would be ideal.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,030 Arc User
    qultuq wrote: »
    Wow! Som and others called a Ledgendary TOS Miranda.
    Not that hard to guess honestly. Besides the Connie, and Excelsior, the Miranda is like the only Fed ship seen in TOS/TOS movies that could qualify.
    TOS refits of the NX or Walker could have worked also, but just like the Connie and Excelsior they both already have a Legendary variant. I guess a TOS style Kelvin might have worked, but that doesn't have a "lineage" of ships to merge together yet.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • edited September 2021
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  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 6,004 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    qultuq wrote: »
    Wow! Som and others called a Ledgendary TOS Miranda.
    Not that hard to guess honestly. Besides the Connie, and Excelsior, the Miranda is like the only Fed ship seen in TOS/TOS movies that could qualify.
    TOS refits of the NX or Walker could have worked also, but just like the Connie and Excelsior they both already have a Legendary variant. I guess a TOS style Kelvin might have worked, but that doesn't have a "lineage" of ships to merge together yet.

    Neither the NX nor the Walker are TOS in origin in any way, so attempting to present TOSified versions of them would be iffy at best and probably draw a lot of ire from players. At least the Miranda was in a movie that featured the TOS crew even though it was early post-TOS rather than TOS.
  • solidshark214solidshark214 Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    Honestly, what I want to see is more TMP-style ships. I would seriously consider dropping some real money on the game for a TMP-style Ranger, for example. That's easily my favorite Trek ship aesthetic.
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  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,030 Arc User
    TOS refits of the NX or Walker could have worked also, but just like the Connie and Excelsior they both already have a Legendary variant. I guess a TOS style Kelvin might have worked, but that doesn't have a "lineage" of ships to merge together yet.
    I suppose.

    Though I think that when you do a Legendary ship tied to a specific era, it should be from that era. You could do a TOS version of the NX, or Walker, but those aren't REALLY TOS ships. Nor do I think it would have had the same impact to do that as doing the Miranda did.
    qultuq wrote: »
    Wow! Som and others called a Ledgendary TOS Miranda.
    Not that hard to guess honestly. Besides the Connie, and Excelsior, the Miranda is like the only Fed ship seen in TOS/TOS movies that could qualify.
    TOS refits of the NX or Walker could have worked also, but just like the Connie and Excelsior they both already have a Legendary variant. I guess a TOS style Kelvin might have worked, but that doesn't have a "lineage" of ships to merge together yet.

    Neither the NX nor the Walker are TOS in origin in any way, so attempting to present TOSified versions of them would be iffy at best and probably draw a lot of ire from players. At least the Miranda was in a movie that featured the TOS crew even though it was early post-TOS rather than TOS.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I agree that the Miranda was the obvious choice, infact I've been predicting it ever since the 11th Anniversary Bundle was revealed to include the Excelsior. I was only spitballing some alternatives.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,030 Arc User
    laughinxan wrote: »
    The timing is very, very poor here.

    actually is perfect timing since the Temp Recruit is coming as well.

    This. The only thing I personally would've changed is the release of the Clarke, that probably should've been pushed to 2022 to avoid having two Miranda-ish ships released within a couple months of each other.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,030 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Hmm, I just made an interesting find, it looks like Donny (one of the STO ship artists) uploaded this exact ship as a fan design two years ago! I guess Cryptic decided to just buy it from him instead of design a new one? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N5kL65

    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
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  • nommo#5819 nommo Member Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    Hmm, I just made an interesting find, it looks like Donny (one of the STO ship artists) uploaded this exact ship as a fan design two years ago! I guess Cryptic decided to just buy it from him instead of design a new one? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N5kL65


    Well that's interesting for sure. Good catch.
  • nommo#5819 nommo Member Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    One Big Happy Fleet (Account Unlocked Starship Trait) -

    The first damage your ship deals during combat will force that foe's shields offline for a moderate
    duration, allowing opportunity for a devastating initial volley. Thereafter,
    you will gain an increasing amount of Shield Penetration for Energy Weapons
    as long as you remain in Combat. This benefit resets when you leave combat.

    I wonder how long: "moderate duration" means & how much "increasing amount of Shield Penetration" it will be?
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    > @phoenixc#0738 said:
    > I would really like to get the TOS Miranda but at $60 that is an impossibility. If the sale continued long enough for black Friday to further lower the price along with lowering the price of buying zen at the same time then it might be buyable by anyone other than the whales, then it might be just barely affordable, but I doubt that will happen so it is a very reluctant but unavoidable pass as far as I am concerned.
    > It shows that the modelers can do great TOS style ships though, now what is needed are some T6 TOS ships for the non-whales.
    > In fact, if the AoY recruitment could feature a TOS T6 or leveling T5u (like the Klingon recruit BoP or the regular Jem'Hadar bugship respectively) in addition to new TOS ships in general that would be ideal.

    Especially if you consider there's a decent chance one already has the T6 version of it. Then, we're talking about a skin pack, which used to be something you'd buy for 5€ back in the day...
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • livinlifejb90#4082 livinlifejb90 Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    i would be highly interested in this if it wasn't $120. that's too much for only two ships. even though they are legendaries.

    I am saddened by the dwindling C-store ship releases. I wish Cryptic still had the right to make custom designs. The team is good at making up their own ships. I would be okay with some non canon Cryptic designs.
  • drunkflux#5679 drunkflux Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    laughinxan wrote: »
    The timing is very, very poor here.

    actually is perfect timing since the Temp Recruit is coming as well.

    No, you do not get what I mean. (And I think you didn't read the rest of my post).

    The timing is poor because you have a legendary pack already released one month ago and the Clark is effectively a miranda, not officially, but it is, even has the miranda remodel ect. If they seriously wanted to release a legendary pack, they could have picked anything else that was ToS themed or something.

    Look, I looked over the ships raw stats they are great and all, but it just boils down to it being just to soon. Even with the Temp Recruit coming up, the timing is still poor. One friend of mine even mentioned something like the Ranger-class or something. While I get they had to pick ships based on shows and movies, it still just makes the timing bad.

    Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
  • edited September 2021
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  • solidshark214solidshark214 Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    > @phoenixc#0738 said:
    > I would really like to get the TOS Miranda but at $60 that is an impossibility. If the sale continued long enough for black Friday to further lower the price along with lowering the price of buying zen at the same time then it might be buyable by anyone other than the whales, then it might be just barely affordable, but I doubt that will happen so it is a very reluctant but unavoidable pass as far as I am concerned.
    > It shows that the modelers can do great TOS style ships though, now what is needed are some T6 TOS ships for the non-whales.
    > In fact, if the AoY recruitment could feature a TOS T6 or leveling T5u (like the Klingon recruit BoP or the regular Jem'Hadar bugship respectively) in addition to new TOS ships in general that would be ideal.

    Especially if you consider there's a decent chance one already has the T6 version of it. Then, we're talking about a skin pack, which used to be something you'd buy for 5€ back in the day...

    I just got said T6 version this past Sunday. If it weren't for the Fleet Soyuz having more tac consoles than the Legendary, I would be very annoyed right now. (I'm still annoyed, but not quite "very".)
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    just a question: why they keep doing this kind of bundles? for new players?
    Currently, I would paid for everything but ships. For example, I would buy Worf's bazooka, even if it was character bound, and also a pack of nice ground weapons (fed and kdf); the ingame weapons are ugly (models and textures are outdated)
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User

    That kind of investment out of the gate doesn't strike me as an offering for new players. The cost is high for someone new because they aren't invested in the game to that degree. I don't think a character that shoots straight to 65 is a good learning experience for a new player either; Especially if the event accelerates promotion as it has in the past. I wouldn't suggest this package to a new player and unless the Miranda was their favorite ship in the franchise I would still actively steer them away from it.

    This ship is for a Fed fan who has a lot of stuff. A completionist who likes the Miranda, and has more disposable income than enjoyment they might have in leveling a new captain. It could also place that person in a position where they take on an alt if they don't have one. It might be for an alt a holic. Who fits most of the same profile. Maybe a TOS fan. There aren't many TOS styled ships you can buy, "off the rack" and it is a pretty ship. They may or may not value the jump to level 65 so it will, or won't factor into their valuation of the package. A 50% off sale is for anyone who has the money and buys things they don't want because spending 50% of what you wouldn't have spent is a, "bargain".

    Definitely a combination drawn from the latter group over the former.

  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    A little over 5 years ago they released the Agents of Yesterday Pack, for 15'000 Zen. It included
    • 1 T1 ship
    • 1 T2 ship
    • 1 T3 ship
    • 1 T4 ship
    • 1 T5 ship
    • 7 (!!!) T6 ships
    • 6 costumes, 3 tech upgrades, 6 temporal qualifications, 1 unique boff, 1space suit, 3 titles

    Today we get 1 T6 ship, filler stuff, 1 lvl 65 boost.. for 12'000 Zen

    How times have changed...
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