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Unable to Identify M/F Bridge Officers

This may not seem like a serious issue but it really is. The Exchange economy is being gouged on the Xbox esp Klingon side as there is no way to identify which Boffs are male or female even for quest or level rewards. I am posting an example of the information you get on PC and what you Don't get on Console. As you can see the price on consoles are up to and over 50 million EC and it is a gamble as to whether or not your get the Bridge Officers you want to form your Bridge crew. On PC they got for around 500k or less and you can easily tell what you are buying. Please Rectify this, it is costing me a fortune trying to get the right Officers to work as my crew. Top pic is PC Bottom Is Xbox




  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,609 Arc User
    Having the male/female identifier on bridge officers would be of use to us console p[layers.
    If we hassle the Devs enough, they'll likely add it in...

    ...just like they added a "Progress" page to the player interface that allows you to track XP to next level/spec-point, along with any resource bonuses you have and how much is remaining on them.
    I don't know when this was added to the console version, but it's a long overdue addition. Many thanks to the Devs for that!
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    It seems such a simple thing and yet it has never been put in place on console, and because of that it is killing the Exchange and ruining game play and economy because it is such a gamble as to what you are buying. Plus as a Level reward we are not able to select the Boff we want since we can't tell what is what until after you select and by then it is too late to change. I can out fit my crew on PC entirely as male or female or mix as I choose, and at most it costs me maybe 3 million EC for an entire crew of 10 officers. But on console if you are after a specific gender you can spend nearly 100 million and never get the crew diversity you want.
    And while I'm at it why can't we get Epic Gold Bridge officers, we can for Duty Officers so why not Bridge, or allow our officers to level up with experience like our Captains do.
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