Set items are meant to be one off items and it's not intended for you to have an entire ship full of them. Otherwise the restrictions on Omni beams needs to go as there is no valid gameplay reason for it to exist today, especially when we can have a full turrets build.
Except that turrets do not have the PDS, as mentioned, AND the rank requirement to boost damage is a rank higher that beams, I.E. Scatter and rapid start at Lt not Ens like BFAW
I honestly find it weird that some people unironically believe that, should the restriction of one set omni and one non-set omni be removed, omni only builds would take over the meta. Realistically, I only see them becoming the beam equivalent to turret only builds, something some people will do for the novelty, but only dedicated DPS chasers will do well with.
I agree. Even being someone who uses mostly beam arrays on most of my ships, I wouldn't put an omni in a forward slot.
Well, if you could equip a full compliment of omnis, fore and aft, I probably would. But I'd also swap in a torp for the aft slot, too. At that point, there's no reason not to. You'll have enough energy weapons that the real limiting factor is going to be EPS transfer rates. Beam weapons are power hogs, after all.
You'd have to give up meta energy weapons for the energy type you're using though, like the Terran Task force and DSC legends energy weapons for phaser and disruptor builds.
especially with the abysmal cooldown
Except that turrets do not have the PDS, as mentioned, AND the rank requirement to boost damage is a rank higher that beams, I.E. Scatter and rapid start at Lt not Ens like BFAW
You'd have to give up meta energy weapons for the energy type you're using though, like the Terran Task force and DSC legends energy weapons for phaser and disruptor builds.