Can anybody please explain why the trait One Little Ship is disabled for my Jem'Hadar character? I've enabled it in the window, but it is always grayed out and unclickable during ground combat. Also, why were all the voices disabled for Warriors of the Empire? Up until now, I could hear the voiceovers for Martok, J'Ula et al, but with warriors, suddenly nothing. This was particularly vexing during the Elachi ground combat sequence, because I couldn't hear them call out to activate the next stage of the machine during the final fight.
All sensible advice appreciated.
So the first thing to do is make sure the ability you are trying to activate in combat is a purple Greek-letter gamma icon—not a little runabout icon. The runabout icon is the non-combat pet.
Looks like this:
The voiceover problems seems to be affecting a lot of Gamma Arc missions. Maybe it will be fixed someday.