Enviromental suits do not appear when activated. The lights attached to them do light up, but no suit is shown. This has happened across several characters on both Nukara and Risa.
Have you enabled visuals on the EV suits? Also, why are you wearing an EV suit on Risa besides being there for the summer event? Nukara I understand because of its toxic atmosphere but why the pleasure planet? If enabling visuals does not work then it is a bug.
Those lucky few of us who happen to come from Scotland have some trouble with that big burny thing in the sky during the daytime here on Earth. It could wreak havoc on us pasty-white-skinned Scots!
Now, Risa has 2 of them big shiny, burny things and so an Environmental Suit becomes a necessity for us to be able to survive...
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Now, Risa has 2 of them big shiny, burny things and so an Environmental Suit becomes a necessity for us to be able to survive...