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Some vanity shields not displaying properly.

garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
So, I searched the forums a bit, and did not find anyone else having an issue with this.

When I equip certain vanity shields, so far including the Platinum, Borg, and S31 shields, they do not display properly in social zones. Shaders are far too bright, making S31 shield look more like Bajoran shield colors, and platinum shield look almost pure white.

So far as I can tell so far, this is not affected in sector space, and I have not yet tested combat space. The shield does display properly if the character sheet is open to the status tab with the ship selected. Both in the mini picture in the window, and on the ship itself. As soon as I navigate to a different tab or close the window, the appearance reverts back to the bugged appearance.

I have tested this on the Constellation class T-6 variant (original constellation appearance), and the T6 Risian corvette. The bug appears on both ships.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • edited July 2021
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  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    Yeah, somtaawkhar is correct... There are some planetary orbits that don't do any of the vanity shields any good... Put your favorite vanity shield on your favorite KDF ship and head to Ganalda Station... Ehck...

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I am aware of this. This is not what I am speaking of. The shield looks different depending on whether the character sheet is open or not. I have tested more, it is not affected on the T5-U Defiant. I will endeavor to post some screenshots soon to demonstrate the difference when the character sheet window is open and on the status tab, vs any other situation.
  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Ok, I took a bunch of screenshots to demonstrate, and they do so quite nicely as they hide the interface, namely the character sheet window, which blocks most of the ship when open.

    Only problem is there seems no way to attach them. Images have to be embedded from a URL. Anyone know where the appropriate place to upload screens is?


  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I have submitted an official support ticket for this issue, complete with a dozen screenshots with the status tab open, and then not, for 6 different shields which seem to be affected. These include the Dyson Rep Vanity shield, Jem Hadar storyline shield, Medical Vanity Shield, Platinum Vanity Shield, Reman storyline shield, and Section 31 Vanity Shield.

    Unfortunately, I still have not figured out how to put images into a forum post, but the devs should have it.
    For me at least, the issue has been most pronounced on the Section 31, Reman, and Platinum shields. All of these look completely wrong as soon as the status tab where you equip a vanity shield is closed.
  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Note: I have identified that the Original borg shields, and the Omega Force shields are not affected by this issue at all.
  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Another note: This seems to be limited to specific star systems. So far, Risa system, Sherman system, Vulcan system, starbase 39 sierra sytsem are all affected. Andoria System, Wolf 359, and Sol system are not.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    Risa's lighting is notorious for affecting the look of vanity shields. Fly in there with a Reman shield... DEAR GOD! You got a pearl white ship!

    The character screen doesn't use the same lighting as in system if I recall. So what you see on the character screen would be how it should look under normal lighting conditions. But again... there are certain locations where the ambient lighting is completely different.

    IMO one of the best places to have decent lighting is actually the Solanae Dyson Sphere. It doesn't bleach out shield visuals.

    As for posting screenshots on the forums... you'd need to have them uploaded somewhere, be it Steam, deviantArt, Dropbox, or some other site. Then you ues that picture button along the top of the text field, right next to the one that looks like a chain. Should be able to copy/paste the url in there and...


    voila! You have your screenshot.

    If it doesn't want to automatically add it into your post, like mine above, then use the img tags. Just be sure to use the /img to close the tag after the url. Also be sure to enclose the tags with brackets so they look like this.

    Also try to edit out or just minimize your chat box, just in case if you have that up.
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  • garabaldegarabalde Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Thanks for the help on screenshots. Seems a very roundabout way to do it but eh. I suppose it works.

    Also, by request of the rep who replied to my support ticket, I am continuing this thread in the bug reporting forum here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/categories/gameplay-bug-reports

    What you are describing in Risa with the Reman shield sounds like exactly what I am talking about. If your curious though, try going there with that shield and opening your character sheet, then going to the status tab with the ship selected on the left. Im willing to bet your Reman textures will appear on your ship. If I can ever get my 12 or so screens posted, I can demonstrate. The shields look correct with that window and tab selected. Keep in mind though that I have not, nor can I test in every system with every ship, as this seems to be a very finicky bug. All the shields displayed correctly, with or without the status tab open, even in Risa, with the Defiant for instance.
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