There has been a lot to do about the Dilithium Exchange being maxed out. There's simply not enough (worthwhile) there to spend Dilithium on.
In the past there were some costumes made available for Dilithium and currently a Vanity Shield for dilithum action.
Contribute your ideas for dilithium sinks here:
- Phoenix Boxes new content.
- After completing a story mission, make the mission reward available for dilithium for those who do not want to replay missions to gather mission reward gear.
- Add an dilithium fueled autoplay feature for story line missions. E.g. half the dilithium rewarded as a mission reward.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Crafting items so nice that I can hardly wait for tomorrow and that make me hit that finish now button.
New, hot bikinis for Risa.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Just instead of the current Zen ones, Dilithium ones. Have occasional sales that pop up for 1-3 days where you can get items only previously available from lock boxes for Dilithium like the current Vanity Shield promotion. Maybe in a week or two, we get a couple days where you can buy an array of Kit modules, maybe some traits, Lock Box Weapons, whatever. If people know these pop up from time to time, they will hoard Dilithium and wait.. they will be less likely to go trade it for Zen, it will become more valuable. This also prevents players from converting that Dilithium to EC.
Outside of that, things to help Veterans that might want to start new characters. Things that let them skip this horrendous grind associated with new characters, tokens to complete specializations, reputations, crafting schools, etc.
Lastly, let people buy out daily event progress for Dilithium. Keep the current Zen buyout for the entire event, but one day you just don't feel like running 'To Hell With Honor' or whatever idiotic queue is in play at the time.. spend a small amount of Dilithium to get one day completion.. maybe you'll feel up to the monotony tomorrow.
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Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
2.) Ability to trade up tokens at a 10:1 ratio
3.) Rotate Lockbox weapons in the Dilithium Store - akin to Reputation Stores(let people buy the exact weapon they're after.. for a decent chunk of dilithium).
4.) 'Choose a Starship Trait'(lobi and infinity ships only) for 750k Dilithium (single character unlock)
5.) 'Choose your Space/Ground Trait' for 250k Dilithium (single character unlock)
On the subject of endeavors, I'd be willing to spend a TON of dil on a once a day refresh or something so that you can get two days of progress in a single day.
I like the idea of adding T5 Lockbox/Lobi (retired) Ships to the Phoenix Ultra token!
I perhaps think Idea 4 might have merit as well, yet it probably be limited to Lobi ships only--and only if you already have acquired the Lobi ship on one toon. Still I'd expect they want to make it closer to 2500 ZEN or 1,250,000 DIL based on current market rates per Character... They'd make it only purchasable only on a character who's earned it, yet the account-unlock would only allow you to give to one other character on the account, once the trait is opened its only applied to that one toon. Just as they typically do now.
I still think Fleet Holdings slowly being expanded from Tier 3 out to 4 be wise, along with another idea in my first post on Page 10 of that thread.
Like all things doesn't mean they will implement any thing suggested, still it's just nice to see people offering idea's!
I had an idea, although I don't know if its mechanically possible, but it would not only make a decent DL sink, but it would also raise interest in pretty much ALL lockbox weapons and might give the Crafting System something new.
Vanity Ship Weapons.
The caveat would be that you have to match the type of weapon, so you can't just slap a beam vanity on a cannon ship.
So... theory crafting here assuming its not actually mechanically possible.
I excluded omni beams as an input because those are a lot rarer and not all of the old lockbox weapons even have an omni, so just working with the base types. The Lore reason behind it would be that you would need a sample of each type in order to properly emulate the frequency to recreate the particle alignment or some other technobabble reason.
So... if you wanted the look of Zhat Vash disruptors (Which look fine to me *dramatic enjoy pose*) but don't want to shell out for a full set to reengineer and upgrade... craft a vanity one. You can have your min/max synergized build, and tailor the look as well. And as an added bonus, it would also synergize the colors of the beams as well. So you don't have to worry about having say... normal orange phasers and that one oddball blue Quantum Phase beam.
In theory it could extend to torpedoes as well, but... that would be harder when dealing with things like the Gravametric Photon or Romulan Hyper Plasma, especially when High Yield is in play and we have a torp that normally fires a volley rather than a heavy.
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The main issue I have with expanding fleet holdings is that it seems like a poor dilithium sink. From personal experience across a couple fleets, the burden of upgrading fleets usually falls on the shoulders of only a handful of people who slog through those dilithium walls while everyone else twiddles their thumbs.
Don't get me wrong, the fleet stores have a lot of good dilithium sinks(from slot unlocks to those excellent crafting doffs), and I would LOVE if we actually got some fleet SIF Generators one day. I just don't think the fleet upgrade phases really do much for the greater population's dilithium reserves.
Agreed, Fleet Holdings are one of the worst ideas for a Dilithium Sink.
Dilithium Sinks should create ways for players to gain something valuable to them for their Dilithium. You want to give players something to use that Dilithium for other then just converting it to Zen. Many players use Dilithium->Zen as a way to sustain their in game needs. When you introduce dilithium hungry Fleet Holdings, you put these players in a position where they now must choose between helping their fleet or helping themselves. It becomes an adversarial relationship and most players will opt to help themselves leaving fleet leaders and a dedicated few to have to spend everything they have to progress the fleets. Then once they are finally done, the sink is gone and you're just left with a few players that are bitter because they were forced to do all the work themselves.
Things like offering Lockbox or Lobi items for Dilithium give players a path to something they desire, in this case Vanity Shields, while also removing Dilithium supply. There are plenty of desirable items that can be rotated and popped up from time to time that people can get. The anticipation of these 'flash events' alone will cause people to stockpile Dilithium in anticipation just waiting to dump it all when they get a shot at something they want.
Honestly, I would rather they did nothing at all then try and use Fleet Holdings to solve this issue. It's my least favorite of all suggestions.
Another idea: Special TFO's that are unlocked by dilithium. Players donate dilithium to a special TFO. Once the price is paid, players can join that TFO, and receive special prizes. Stuff like, every player is guaranteed a mystery chest; plus a loot drop chance for other neat items that don't normally drop (loot box items?) in TFO's. Again, not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's something that has crossed my mind before.
> A weapon cosmetic that would standardize the appearance your weapons to faction and era style.
That is something a lot of peeps have asked for lately and which would work exceptionally well as a sink.
Good idea.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
If the special tier 1-4 ships that once were sold for Zen and now cost dil were avialable account-wide, I would buy them. But since they are per character I haven't touched any of them with a 10-foot pole.
I'd also like to see tokens that you could get that would take something from a lockbox or phoenix or lobi store and unlock it account-wide. I avoid most of that stuff for the same reason. Mind you, there is a big difference between ships so T6 stuff that costs 1B on the exchange should take a lot more than a T5 ship that is a throwaway and only costs 4M. If the price to do this was in Dil then that could be useful for the economy.
I thought about this idea as well and agree that it would be well received. If I recall though, there was a thing back during the subscription era where they gave some reasons why they don't want people to be able to change the look of their weapons. That was many years ago, not sure if that policy has changed, but as far as I know they have always opposed the idea of letting people customize weapon appearance. It's a shame because such a thing would be very well received by the player base and would make an excellent Dilithium Sink.
Also an excellent idea. Just sometimes pop these up and say 'here.. limited time, go get it.'
I know a lot of people don't like 'flash sales' but the reason it's important to do it this way is because you want people to stockpile that dilithium so they blow through it. Anticipation of these unknown events causes people to hoard, it takes the dilithium out of circulation, it prevents them from buying keys and adding to EC inflation as well.
Ultimate Upgrades are a great example of something you could put into flash events.
2. As others have asked for many, many moons. Weapon vanity.
3. To be logically sensible, add a token dil charge to transwarp. Add a token weekly upkeep for your ship.
4. Fix the phoenix. More stuff, trade-up options, straight-up dil buyout options
5. Sell untradeable keys for 75-125000dil (1 key at 500d-1Z is 62500)
6. Allow newer players to replay old events for a chunk of dil or buyout for a huge chunk. For instance, for 125000 or 250000d one can do last summer's event as well as this one. Or pay like 500000 to buy it out
7. Reduce the dilithium cost of just about everything. You're either passing it by because the cost to budget isn't there, or hoarding to save up, then you get there and there's a sale on and well, that 1000Z could be handy. You need to drop the prices on some items to the point where you you can get it in no more than 5 days, or I may have lost interest and done something different. Also remember that 4000dil is ALWAYS worth one phoenix upgrade
8. Rework ship levelling to a series of "minor refits" purchasable with dilithium for a nominal fee. Allow account purchase of all unlocked traits for a nominal fee
9. Allow trade of dilithium for EC.
10. Sell Lobi for dil at a ridiculous rate like 15-25k : 1
11. Straight-out fix the diliex and make it a game function. You can buy or sell however much of one or the other for a fix price. Obviously it would have to be slanted to be favourable to dil buyers, buy not so much that they could then profit by selling. Pretty tricky, but it should be doable. Might be a bit punitive to FTP
12. Direct sell event favours for dil
It's the usual excuse, Sea: the CBS doesn't want players to be able to change the color of their weapons.
It's a fantastic idea, one that we've been asking for for quite some time now. It could work like color crystals do in SWTOR, thorugh a specific slot in which you can install (and change at your discretion) the crystal. It might require quite a bit of work, but if it's done? People would buy them in droves.
Agreed. Uniforms could be used for this, too. Not the C-Store ones, but the costumes in the Lobi would work, I should think.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
I thought more similar to you on the idea @starcruiser223 had about the reroll tokens for Endeavors, it was very good; yet also thought it be a little too much DIL. I originally thought maybe 12,500 each or 50,000 for 5 myself. Again these are just idea's so hopefully Cryptic is reading...
Yes it does fall on a very small % of Fleet members, but I have a suggestion below this next paragraph.
Still I think expansion of Fleet Holdings 3 to 4 would work as nobody is forced to upgrade, or can do as they see fit. Yet too encourage more donate, as most people's MAINs are in a Fleet. So since fleets need everyone doing what they can, so as long as people are helping in their own way it's likely be appreciated by most fleet leaders. New players are more starved for DIL than older players are, yet there's a lot of great unlocks from 6th Trait Slot unlocks at Fleet Research, to many others (a lot) of players loose out on!
So what would be good to introduce these, seeing them with a higher chance of these Endeavor's PROC a few times a week. Ones that required Fleet Donations or purchases, an alternative variation of DIL &/or DIL Store purchases, and yes they could add one for the new Ferengi Business Woman in time as well...
Still I like the idea of the Ferengi Business Woman at Drozana Station I identified on my first post on Page 10.
The concept was she was inspired by Quark's mother, who fought for Females being allowed to wear cloths, and later go into business with the Former Nagus. She could sometimes say things about Rules of Acquision from a Female Perspective, or others as Ferengi Woman are now contributing more!
One premium item @westmetals &/or @rattler2 spoke of was Mirror Ships, maybe she could sell slightly upgraded Fleet Level Tier 5 (11 Consoles) for a cost of GPL, Dilithium, and 2 Fleet Modules. While Internal ship systems be updated, not the T5 skins so that be taken into consideration. Those Lobi/Lockbox (Retired) Ships likely be more appropriate for the Ultra token in Phoenix. I think in another thread you also suggested selling the Bridges that nobody pays ZEN for, possibly another opportunity for her to sell especially if they work with Mirror Ships (faction) based?
She could even sell perhaps a limited few items similar to a Fleet Vendor (most of which doesn't have SET bonus) as the Lobi Vendor almost everything is based on SET bonus. Yet because she's a Ferengi, perhaps it be a Dilithium premium of an extra 5-15% depending how upgraded each Fleet was. As perhaps the Fleet Dilithium Mine discounts that stack with DIL Store, she wouldn't honor those!
Maybe every now & then a Ferengi Business Woman New Weekend Event, where she'd offer a reduction to just GPL &/or DIL (by different amounts depending) based on her goals and the caveat above! Might bring her DIL cost down a bit close to some in Fleet, though her most precious items still be a lot more expensive! A few items be similar to Fleet Gear (comparable but different) and give other options slowly to those in smaller fleets while upgrading, or those who liked what she sold, or even not in a Fleet. She also only add a few items every so often, to keep her interest up...
Maybe over time she'd slowly modernize or repair Drozana, as I suggested on Page 10. Something the entire Community would contribute to collectively based on her sales.
Just all idea's to consider...
Sometimes even same weapon types have different effects, so it would make everything look more unison.
Another one would lockbox weapon crafting blueprints, for some of the older types.
I there is plenty of those and I would not mind dumping 1mil Dil on each of it, if that means I can forever craft them on my main char for all my chars.
Yes it be nice if the Visual (tab) added a Beam & Cannon (unlock) perhaps (each) options for the Ferengi Business Woman you see I keep pushing to open up shop at Drozana.
She already has the two currencies (in game) she needs, most have lots of the first, to purchase items for GPL & Dilithium. I'd position her so she does NOT accept the Fleet Dilithium Mine 5-15% discount, that is also stacks to the Dilithium Store --exception is Phoenix, for obvious reasons! Though a new Event weekend for sales!
Then of course visual slot require at least one each weapon type, though you not gain any of the weapons PROCs just the visuals! Beams is easier as a result, yet might also be most expensive to unlock, Dual Heavy, Dual, and Cannon (includes turret?) may require a separate one for each. Would they make them per character for 10x less or by account unlocks, would depend where they thought it appeal to most.
Could they expand upon this for sure, for example as you spoke (a limited few older weapons types) maybe the DIL Store could also offer just Just Vanity Beams, 2-3 of the Cannon variety's for some that are have a limited few available on the Exchange.
I like people who offer constructive idea's, the more idea's we suggest, while it doesn't mean they use them--you never know what they might!
I think one others also thought of this, still nice to see idea's.
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Just the expectation that we'll see further 'flash sales' might mean that less dilithium is offered as people are saving up. Hence dilithium becomes rarer on the exchange, and Zen will be worth less comparatively speaking.
The effect that the creation of flash sales are having, is probably much bigger than just the flash sales themselves are having.
It's really annoying to have one beam being different from the others just because you want to use a set - that has only one unique weapon, like that from the Quantum Phase Catalyst set, or the one from the Gamma reputation.
It means players have the choice of not using many different types of gear and thus greatly limit the options available to them -
or accept that their ships don't look the way they want.
An option to change this would be hugely popular I think. And it makes sense to add it - this game thrives on selling ships that can be adapted to the wish of the player after all.
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