....why not me, too? My computer's getting long in the tooth (one main reason why my 3d comic is going slowly these days), and planning to get a new one in the near future, I found some old screen shots from game.
Here they are:
From the summer of 2014
OLD DS9: June 4, 2018 (some friends and I decided to take a group shot with the wormhole in the background. I'm the one in the Sierra uniform)
Anyone remember this old Spec system?
Back when a new ship was showcased in ESD Shipyard more often.
Last day of OLD ESD: April 21, 2014
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
They have done a great job improving that, that's for sure. That thing was terrible.
Thanks for posting!
Those were the days....
That was also back when EPS consoles were must have, because they would essentially nullify the power drain effect when you fired your energy weapons. Then the devs reworked the power transfer mechanic, and not long after that they did a global nerf of all consoles.
This one:
That was actually my favorite of the skill trees. You could be really good at what you wanted to do. I had a Intrepid Rapidfire Transphasic Torpedo Boat, myself.
That tree wouldn't work now, of course. Back then, you were supposed to specialize and a have a ship that felt like your own. Now, it is all about buy-buy-buy.
As for old pics:
Detached nacelles before it became cool.
When lighting problems were affecting more than just your ship hull.
When Caitians had issues with expressions involving opening their mouths.
And when bridges reacted badly to Lighting 2.0 when it was first introduced: