I've been having a problem for a couple of days, I was hoping it would have been solved with the last update but it wasn't.
My ground weapon won't fire consistently. It doesn't matter what I have equipped, I've tried changing weapons, there are no malfunctions or anything. I've tried logging out and back in. Its the same for missions and TFOs. Primary fire will hardly ever work, secondary fire works more consistently but not always. It makes no difference if I hit the key or the on screen button. All my other abilities work, my crew can fire no problem, enemies can fire no problem.
swap out weapons for different ones. Have auto fire off. Use said weapons for a while. Put auto fire on. use said weapons again for a while. then transfer back to the weapons you previously had.
Thanks. I'll give that a try.
That worked! i turned off auto-firing and i also stopped my Kelvin Timeline Drones from auto spawning and my Sensor Linked Beams now work so it think it must be a bug with the auto. Thank you!.
It's a periodic bug thats been about for years. Glad your're ok now