I am posting this in the Forums as instructed by G.M. Chroma, Game Master....
Today discovered I was unable to select "Nomad" outer hull skin to match my Bridge "Nomad" that I purchased back in season 2-3. I own both T-5 and T-6 Odyssey variant ship Packs. The Yorktown-class is a Science Star Cruiser of the 25th Century just as the Emissary-class. I did some research confirming that the Nomad Bridge and Hull style was purchased from the C-store for my Star Cruiser around season 2-3. Like the Assault Cruiser, C-Store did sell the Imperial outer Skin sometime later. I have enclosed supporting attachments. I sincerely hope Cryptic will be able to fix this oversight. I purchased Emissary Bridge Pack along with the Nomad hull for my Star Cruiser. I should be able to modify my Star Cruiser's to Nomad-class. To date, I have not had a problem Selecting the "Imperial" outer skin/hull for my T-6 Assault Cruiser, i.e. Command and Intel ships were released. Guys, I would like to pilot my T-6 (Command) Star Cruiser using the Nomad hull/skin.
Follow up reply back to G.M. Chroma
"I found old information on the Website that the Nomad Skin and Bridge was for sale on the C-Store, Sir. All I'm wanting is to be able to equip the Nomad Skin I purchased from the C-Store unto the Federation T-6 (Command Odyssey, Science Cruiser) variant to match my Nomad Bridge that I paid for, Sir"
I have not figured out how to upload attachments from my ticket that was submitted this morning.
You cannot use the Nomad skin on any of the Odyssey variants, they are different ships.
The Nomad skin is only used on Emissary Class and its Fleet variants, which unfortunately is only Tier 5
The Odyssey variants, although the T6 version says "Star Cruiser" in its class description, is not the same. It is listed as "Operations/Science/Tactical Star Cruiser" which is not the same as "Star Cruiser" in the internal database of things.
Just like the Earhart Strike Wing Escort and the Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort are different ships and do not share skins. One is a "Strike Wing Escort" and the other is a "Heavy Strike Wing Escort"
Basically, when you go to the ship vendor and check the drop down for available skins and a skin is not there, then it does not apply to them.
It comes down to the skeleton of the ship and you cannot use different parts from different classes even if the class description is similar.