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Legendary Command Support Battlecruiser (Vorcha) Ship Tailor & Gameplay Bug PS4/5

sithlord619sithlord619 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
edited March 2021 in PS4 Gameplay Bug Reports
Greetings All,

The Legendary Command support Battlecruiser (Vorcha) has a visual bug that is attached to the Kamarag & K'maj hull part. When either of these hull parts are saved to the ship, they appear huge in the ship status screen & some bridge officer 'powers' display incorrectly. Emergency power to shields for example, appears as a small bubble on the hull instead of enveloping the entire hull.

Didn't see a post about this bug, so thought I'd post it. If previously known then please delete.

Thanks all & LLAP
Post edited by sithlord619 on
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