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Warriors Blood - Melee Kills with Boff's

wodenazwodenaz Member Posts: 139 Arc User
I do not know if it is a bug or was intentional, but have noticed when I went to try and progress the melee on my recruit by kills by Boff's are no longer being counted towards Warriors Blood progression.

So now it does not make any difference having your Boff's with you, and if fact probably better not to have them there at all.

I have tried a few maps but maybe I have just been unlucky.


  • You could always take away their weapons and any combat pets or things in that tray to activate. You could also on top of that activate passive or no attack mode and they maybe could draw fire for you but then they might use their powers/skills. I can't count the number of times I have died trying to do only melee kills. Sometimes the charge toward the target works sometimes doesn't. Also doesn't help when you toon starts showing off their blade prowess when the enemy is not in range and now get at least 1 or more energy weapon discharges on you. My guess is that this is another QA issue they didn't bother to test. Ever heard of a mayday being attacked by the B'rel. Others have mentioned the ? melee as it was and still is.

    So enjoy the patch ride we will be on. Maybe they will sell the boff kills in melee only after buying something in the zen store. Yes it is frustrating that your boff don't seem to add and instead sometimes steal a kill you needed in melee. 2500 melee kills, nope.
  • mslefaye#9397 mslefaye Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    I cannot get melee kills to count at all and I have tried every melee weapon and multiple places even going after Borg bare handed, sompak gloves, low level various swords.
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