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Why do you bother with Star Trek Online?

peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
Hey folks, something got me very curious as of late.

Why do we stick with or keep coming back to Start Trek Online?

I know that many you do because I know so many of you for a felt eternity by now! Still I often find myself having a hard time do so and feel that you do as well so I’d like to use this thread to outweigh pros and cons of this game.

In my case...

- Massive in game depth as far as possible ship builds, playstyles and teamplay is concerned.
- Trek license handle well with lots of actors from the shows and truthful visual art expanding the universe we all love greatly.
- My in-game friends and fleetmates!

- Continuously degenerating PvE map designs and concepts.
- Doubtworthy financial policy.
- Shaken trust in the Cryptic team most likely due to communication problems with the player-base.

What about you?

Bring your pros and cons to me please and feel free to discuss them amongst each other. Perhaps some will help me too even after 9 years. :)
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
felisean wrote: »
teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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  • jennycolvinjennycolvin Member Posts: 1,100 Arc User
    I would agree and quote you 100%, Pete.
    But I want to add something that it's neither a pro nor a cons - just a simple fact: Star Trek Online is the only Star Trek MMO. That, for me, skews things significantly because I have no alternative.

    In the event of a new MMO, I'd sure as hell try that one out and then decide on either staying here or switching over.
    Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.

    Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
    - quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;

    Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
    Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
  • fallenkezef#4581 fallenkezef Member Posts: 644 Arc User
    I would agree and quote you 100%, Pete.
    But I want to add something that it's neither a pro nor a cons - just a simple fact: Star Trek Online is the only Star Trek MMO. That, for me, skews things significantly because I have no alternative.

    In the event of a new MMO, I'd sure as hell try that one out and then decide on either staying here or switching over.

    Same for me. All we have are single player games or crappy mobile game rip-offs.

    For all it's flaws, STO is the only thing we have.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    Because for all the games many faults, there's nothing better at what it does best - creating characters within the Star Trek universe; all the series are represented within the constraints that they face by a 25th century setting, with an equivalent level of writing quality to the shows (that is, some of it is brilliant and other bits are Threshold level) and manages to do it in a way that feels like a complete themepark rather than splitting into subsections.

    Nothing else, within my ability to do, comes close; the best I could do is some sort of text based rpg, and STO has all of that built-in.

    Ship designs are much nicer than my efforts in other games, and character designs are orders of magnitude better than what I can do. And while I can imagine the environments, actually rendering them is way beyond me.

    Are there changes I would like? Yes. Universal bridge officer and specialisations for every ship, the ability to rework a ships stats, having enemy ships get disabled instead of destroyed, reduced visual spam, I could go on.

    But, I keep coming back to STO because for what I want, nothing else comes close.
  • evilspokevilspok Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Considering how much time I've put in to STO (literally more than any other game), here are my thoughts:

    1. Space and Ground...a lot of game's can't claim this.
    2. Science Fiction...I love sci fi more than fantasy games. I suppose it's an immersion thing.
    3. Generous F2P model. I could barely keep up with all the giveaways and events since I came back a month ago.
    Additionally, I'm not locked out of certain areas or gear as happens in so many other f2p games.
    4. Star Trek...I love the universe and the large amount of stories and content available.

    As far as con's go I think all the usual complaint's are blown out of proportion. One caveat however, if I start to experience the lag and disconnects again like I was a year ago I will quickly leave again.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Thanks for the input so far folks. I appreciate that. :)

    Yep. The fact that star trek online is without any real competition on the marked and that especially the long-term players have invested so much already that they do not want to give up is high + for the game as a whole.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    Because Pew Pew! :D
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    For all its flaws, the game is very rich in terms of missions, ships, lay-outs for ships, abilities that can be used, costumes and related options and so on.

    Anyone who thinks the game is too boring, annoying or whatever, has likely been playing for too long. I doubt that anyone who sees this game for the first time or anyone who returns after a long period of inactivity, would be disappointed with how much you can do (emphasis on 'can', not so much 'have to' as players who continuously play - including yours truly - might experience things).
  • This content has been removed.
  • jennycolvinjennycolvin Member Posts: 1,100 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    reyan01 wrote: »
    - "We don't discuss future content". Whilst I do understand some of the reasoning behind this, I still find it disappointing - it doesn't encourage a sense of anticipation, and it's more noticeable in the current world climate where it's not easy to find things to look forward to.

    This is actually a very well made, and rarely spoke of, point!
    I'm there with you, btw: it IS disappointing and it goes against pretty much every other game (MMO or otherwise) exactly because this does not create anticipation (or "hype", if you prefer).
    On one hand, I can understand why they choose to do this - one just need to look at the clusterTRIBBLE that was Cyberpunk 2077 to realize that anticipation is not always good and can be, in fact, quite the opposite when dealing with entitled players that whine when the the release date is postponed, huffing and puffing about how "we want it NOW" only to whine even more when the game gets released obviously ahead of time and it's full of bugs.
    On the other hand, it's not good practice, especially for an MMO that needs to keep their players' attention if it wants to keep bringing in the money.

    And there's the personal opinion: they don't discuss future content because they don't know how to create anticipation.
    Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.

    Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
    - quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;

    Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
    Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    I like Star Trek. I like MMOs. This is the only Star Trek MMO. In my honest opinion, it falls drastically short of achieving its full potential due to what I see as corporate short-sightedness. But it is all we have. Now if someone else had the fortitude to obtain a license to create a Star Trek MMO that wasn't centered around running on a hamster wheel and gambling, and actually made it where every action or lack thereof that we take has an impact on the gameworld and not just our own personal experiences, where there is a use for diplomacy to defuse volatile situations that actions or lack thereof might cause, where exploration is front and center so that every new discovery can have meaning and where the challenge is not always about killing enemies or blowing things up, but finding ways to solve problems. where narrative is used to introduce new game loops that factor nto a massive metagame that all players can have an impact on. Where colonies can be established on explored planets that are deemed suitable for such. Where industrial operations can be established that feed into production of assets that factor into establishing defensive and offensive capabilities on allied worlds and interests. Where players are free to explore any profession even alluded to in the shows, not just ship captains. If someone makes that game, I won't give STO a single thought and I would subscribe to it to be able to play...

    But that game does not exist. So that's why I bother with STO. I love it and I hate it at the same time. I love it because of the potential it has always had. I hate it because it makes absolutely no attempt to even pretend to strive for that potential. I find myself bouncing back and forth between wishing Cryptic would get out of the way and let a developer that gives a damn do something with it and wishing thst Cryptic would get back to giving a damn and do something with it.

    STO as it is, in a nutshell, is just one huge status quo. And to me, I find it sad. But I can only speak for myself.

    This sounds like a fun game indeed.

    The most important thing for games is that they're supposed to be interactive. A book has a pre-set ending, you can't affect how a movie plays out. With games, players are encouraged to take matters into their own hands and influence what happens and how it happens.

    STO does have too little of that, with time-gated missions, only a differing amount of marks as a variable outcome of end-game content and limited dialogue options during missions. I had some hope that the Iconian war would be a huge meta-event that would span multiple weeks or even months, with territory being lost, recaptured, colonies being defended and reinforced and so on.

    It never happened of course. Hopefully we'll still get some event that all players can contribute to. Not through some bar that has to be filled as we've had with past recruitment events, but with a situation that develops and changes in front of the players' eyes, depending on their actions.

    And indeed, more (role)play options would be welcome too. Why can't our characters be a Federation Council delegate? Or a scientist at some remote colony who never leaves that world? Sure, you can pretend to be that, but in the end, you'll still have to move to other maps and command a ship to actually play the game. Not everyone wants their character to be like Kirk, but even more extreme in terms of how fast we get promoted. I'm sure that many players would appreciate the option to create more realistic characters - and act like them while playing the game.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    I love character creation and the RP aspect, you can literally create your own race, It's something that most MMO lack, I really like some of the RPG elements and the immersion is well done, I don't know if I can list all the missions that acknowledged my Vulcan toon's race, personally I just wish the game wasn't tailored towards Tactical Officers, we Blue Shirts need some content tailored for us as well.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,966 Arc User
    I come for the Trek and the space combat. The agonizingly slow release schedule for new missions really crushes my desire to play though cause there's never anything to do, plus most missions have an excessive amount of ground combat which I've always despised in STO.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    Because Trek

    Because it is F2P, though I do have a Lifer acct too.

    Because, despite its faults, I do love being able to do what I want, when I want.

    Love the diversity and RP aspects.

    I also like the single player aspect and rarely do TFOs except for events where it's forced and I want that particular shiny.

    All of this is just off the top of my head, though they're the main reasons I come back.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Hey folks, something got me very curious as of late.

    Why do we stick with or keep coming back to Start Trek Online?

    I know that many you do because I know so many of you for a felt eternity by now! Still I often find myself having a hard time do so and feel that you do as well so I’d like to use this thread to outweigh pros and cons of this game.

    In my case...

    - Massive in game depth as far as possible ship builds, playstyles and teamplay is concerned.
    - Trek license handle well with lots of actors from the shows and truthful visual art expanding the universe we all love greatly.
    - My in-game friends and fleetmates!

    - Continuously degenerating PvE map designs and concepts.
    - Doubtworthy financial policy.
    - Shaken trust in the Cryptic team most likely due to communication problems with the player-base.

    What about you?

    Bring your pros and cons to me please and feel free to discuss them amongst each other. Perhaps some will help me too even after 9 years. :)

    My list is very similar to yours.

    I am a big Sci-Fi fan, I always have been.. I always will be. From long established staples like Star Trek, Star Wars or Battlestar to newer stuff like The Expanse and numerous other shows.. I love things with space travel, aliens, and futuristic weapons.

    Star Trek Online is the only game that scratches that Trek itch. There are some story decisions I am not totally keen on, but for the most part I enjoy the writing and I love to be able to interact with the Trek universe and imagine my character is a relevant person in that universe. I have an advantage being that I genuinely enjoy all Trek from the Original Series, all the way through Lower Decks.. I enjoy all of it and so I like all the story line settings. They get actors/actresses from the original shows and I really like the way they currently write in lock step with the active shows that I enjoy watching every week. Game play wise, I enjoy the mechanics of the game (mostly) and as someone else said.. it's one of the very few games that offers both Ground and Space.. that's hard to find.

    My Cons is similar to yours.. in fact, they mirror yours exactly. Recently some people like Kael have been trying to communicate more and I am not sure if he realizes or not.. but that goes a long way and it's helping. It's made me feel less angry overall and I hope that trend continues. I still believe this game has the most generous Free To Play model of any game ever made.. and it's not even close, but at the same time I am put off by these 'Mega Packs' that cost hundreds of dollars and often only have 1 or 2 things I even want with no option to just get the single item at a reduced cost.

    I have put down this game many times over the years, but I always get the itch to come back. I have poured thousands of hours (literally) into this game since 2014 and I will likely play it until it's no longer here.. which I suspect will not be anytime soon.

    The last big reason I stay has nothing to do with the game or Cryptic, and that's my fleet and the great people I play with and talk with while online. Yes, even the big scary Germans.. you guys are great. :lol: (Don't tell Kyle I said that.)
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User

    Mostly great episodes.
    Excellent Voice Actors including Canon Actors.
    Massive selection of ships.
    100's of hours of 'unique' game experience.
    Extremely generous F2P system that gives you everything you need to play.
    Zero Pay to Win.
    Decent Upgrade System.
    Almost infinite way to customise equipment, skills and abilities, with THREE end-game systems that bump your skills up!
    Alien Gen systems means you can create ANY bipedal species. No need to demand 'X Race should be in-game'.
    Great ship models.
    Some great players.
    Can get almost anything for FREE!


    It has PvP (yes, it's dead).
    Dubious price gouging pricing structures.
    Woeful bug fixing on Consoles....WAAAAAY worse than PC bug fixing.
    Console version STILL needs finishing! Barely any Bridge layouts where you can go below deck. Missing skill values screen, so can't really tell how many points you have in certain skills.
    The 'lack of Console players' is a result of Cryptic's inability to fix Console bugs fast enough. I get the impression that Crpytic think because of the lower player base, there's no reason to push Console fixes fast enough.....this is Cryptic's fault. There's a game-breaking bug which affects Transformations, Sep Consoles and Cloaking that we've be reporting for over 2 years rendering all them abilities useless beyond the 1st activation into combat. They just get stuck.
    Some 'toxic as hell' players.
    Lack of effort in punishing AFK'ers, Griefers, Trolls et al. It's the same folk everytime.
    Zero GM's in game.

    In all, I'd still recommend this game, but with caveats.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    Because its Star Trek. How many new Star Trek games do we get?

    I play STO because it's a single player game, I loathe forced multiplayer.
    No monthly fee so I can play when I want without feeling obligated and forced to if I'm not in the mood.
    Exciting actor reprisals.
    Simple intuitive controls compared to other MMOs.
    Full space and ground gameplay.

    That's not to say I couldn't find some cons in there.

    Lack of bug fixes is a bit annoying.
    Some of the voice acting is...not so good.
    Removal of older content. I love seeing things get updated but I want to play some of those old standalone missions again. I genuinely miss things like Saturday's Child, War Games, Divide et Imperia and The Tribble with Klingons.
    Story content can sometimes take a long time to roll out or at the very least it feels like it takes longer than it used to.
  • phoeniz1994phoeniz1994 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Hey folks, something got me very curious as of late.

    Why do we stick with or keep coming back to Start Trek Online?

    I know that many you do because I know so many of you for a felt eternity by now! Still I often find myself having a hard time do so and feel that you do as well so I’d like to use this thread to outweigh pros and cons of this game.

    In my case...

    - Massive in game depth as far as possible ship builds, playstyles and teamplay is concerned.
    - Trek license handle well with lots of actors from the shows and truthful visual art expanding the universe we all love greatly.
    - My in-game friends and fleetmates!

    - Continuously degenerating PvE map designs and concepts.
    - Doubtworthy financial policy.
    - Shaken trust in the Cryptic team most likely due to communication problems with the player-base.

    What about you?

    Bring your pros and cons to me please and feel free to discuss them amongst each other. Perhaps some will help me too even after 9 years. :)

    About Pricing in Star Trek Online:

    Take a Tour of what games like SWTOR or ESO have you pay for ( with a more prominent Paying Fee to Boot ), see the differences between Paying and Non-Paying players there and then come back and let's have more chat about pricing and monetization.

    STO is a Free 2 Play game, with no pricing on Story Content, Factions and basically no real unsormountable paywall in anything but Proper Premium Staff made for it.

    As of consequence, Cryptic needs to fund itself, its tech, its services, the VA Talent and its own employees, without counting the Gargantuan License price that Star Trek would impose.

    We'renot talking about a charity company and neither of primary needs like Food Or Water, it's a luxury items that you don't even pay upfront like in most cases ( which shouldn't Need the above monetization but they do, That's where the complaints should go, not a F2P Game that without them has no income ).
  • phoeniz1994phoeniz1994 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    That being said: :)


    - MASSIVE world to explore and spend a lot of time with
    - Ship/Toon Tuning and customization
    - Well handled Star Trek License, with good signs of collaborations between the parts, which is a good sign of quality and harmony on creating content
    - A Good quality experience for relaxing after the daily routine, a good sign of a nice game ( even more so if supplemented with further game choices like other genres on rotation)
    - VAs, they're doing Awesome Work!
    - Improving and good quality ship, character and environment models
    - good rotation of activities to do alongside story ( which keeps the game going)

    -Mostly missed opportunities here and there with sunsetting of, say, Explroation System
    - Sunsetting of Foundry, now that is the major irk for me, mostly because just as i discovered i didn't need to go premium for it and was going on a creative frenzy it gets sunsetted XD Though on a serious note it could have given endless funtime for StoryTellers or players that want to make up new adventures to share...
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    STO is like that super hot GF that cheats on you and treats you badly, but you can't bring yourself to leave her because where will you ever find another pair of hooters nacelles like that?
    Post edited by chastity1337 on
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    I like the build possibilities available, that allow combat to be interesting and not all samey same for every ship. Other games you have a lot less flexibility in your builds, as well as pitfalls you can mess up with by exploring the wrong thing. There's very little you can't make work in this game.

    I also like how generally fair the dilithium exchange is. Its a great way to do F2P, and while they have messed it up by not having enough use for dilithium, its a lot better system than other games.

    Its Star Trek, more or less.



    Simplistic objective design. In some ways this works for allowing a great diversity of builds, but while everyone hated the formula of kill 5, scan 5 at launch, the new kill for 5 minutes, then kill for 5 more is not really different.

    No respect for previous purchases when buying a bundle.


    Poor communication, especially in the forums.

    No exploration in a Star Trek game.

  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    Pros: I'm a Star Trek fan
    Hey folks, something got me very curious as of late.

    Why do we stick with or keep coming back to Start Trek Online?

    I know that many you do because I know so many of you for a felt eternity by now! Still I often find myself having a hard time do so and feel that you do as well so I’d like to use this thread to outweigh pros and cons of this game.

    In my case...

    - Massive in game depth as far as possible ship builds, playstyles and teamplay is concerned.
    - Trek license handle well with lots of actors from the shows and truthful visual art expanding the universe we all love greatly.
    - My in-game friends and fleetmates!

    - Continuously degenerating PvE map designs and concepts.
    - Doubtworthy financial policy.
    - Shaken trust in the Cryptic team most likely due to communication problems with the player-base.

    What about you?

    Bring your pros and cons to me please and feel free to discuss them amongst each other. Perhaps some will help me too even after 9 years. :)

    My list is very similar to yours.

    I am a big Sci-Fi fan, I always have been.. I always will be. From long established staples like Star Trek, Star Wars or Battlestar to newer stuff like The Expanse and numerous other shows.. I love things with space travel, aliens, and futuristic weapons.

    Star Trek Online is the only game that scratches that Trek itch. There are some story decisions I am not totally keen on, but for the most part I enjoy the writing and I love to be able to interact with the Trek universe and imagine my character is a relevant person in that universe. I have an advantage being that I genuinely enjoy all Trek from the Original Series, all the way through Lower Decks.. I enjoy all of it and so I like all the story line settings. They get actors/actresses from the original shows and I really like the way they currently write in lock step with the active shows that I enjoy watching every week. Game play wise, I enjoy the mechanics of the game (mostly) and as someone else said.. it's one of the very few games that offers both Ground and Space.. that's hard to find.

    My Cons is similar to yours.. in fact, they mirror yours exactly. Recently some people like Kael have been trying to communicate more and I am not sure if he realizes or not.. but that goes a long way and it's helping. It's made me feel less angry overall and I hope that trend continues. I still believe this game has the most generous Free To Play model of any game ever made.. and it's not even close, but at the same time I am put off by these 'Mega Packs' that cost hundreds of dollars and often only have 1 or 2 things I even want with no option to just get the single item at a reduced cost.

    I have put down this game many times over the years, but I always get the itch to come back. I have poured thousands of hours (literally) into this game since 2014 and I will likely play it until it's no longer here.. which I suspect will not be anytime soon.

    The last big reason I stay has nothing to do with the game or Cryptic, and that's my fleet and the great people I play with and talk with while online. Yes, even the big scary Germans.. you guys are great. :lol: (Don't tell Kyle I said that.)

    You hit the nail on the head. I agree with everything you said.

    I'm a huge Star Trek fan and STO lets me fly Star Trek ships around and blow stuff up. That's a fun time, specially when you can do it with friends. That's the main draw for me. I agree that when they (cryptic) communicate more with the community that I get less annoyed about xyz. An explanation of why they are doing something a certain way -even if I don't like what they are doing goes a long way. I also agree that the Mega Packs that cost hundreds of dollars are a put off. I'm willing to spend 20-50 dollars here and there, but slamming down 200/300 dollars for a mega pack when I only want 1 or 2 things in said pack just isn't something I'm willing to do.

  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    episodes ,not the ones that don't allow auto fire
    99% of what can be gambled on can be bought via in-game currency
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited February 2021

    60% - Costumes, both Ship & Character. I played City of Heroes, too - I love the customization systems in their games, and how many you can make (between costume slots & bridge crews). Plus playing with ship parts is fun! (which is why I keep hoping for more T6 versions of old ships, when they actually made ones with parts.)

    30% - Star Trek. I'm not a superfan™, but I did enjoy the shows & movies from TOS thru Voyager. This carries back to costumes & ships, of course

    10% - gameplay. It's ok. I've never been a big "endgame"/"meta"/"test my dps" gamer, so the state of TFO's/etc doesn't bother me much.

    There's probably some aspect of inertia / sunk cost / OCD / been playing it for so long, might as well keep going / etc. But I don't play consistently anymore, I come & go as events & content releases happen. The f2p-ness of it makes that simple.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I compare to the other games I play: LOTRO and ST Timelines. I actively hate. And I mean hate the company that now owns LOTRO. I liked it when WB was in charge. It's gotten so I actually hate the game also. There's very little left for normal players. The game is all for whale raiders - exactly the opposite philosophy of WB. Then Timelines isn't really much of a game. Just card collecting. And it's kind of disgusting to watch people spending tens of thousands of dollars a month on it. Makes me nauseated.

    STO is so much better. I love Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. I play solely for the lore and the worlds. STO hasn't pissed me off since Delta Rising. That's a darn good run. Right now I'm actually playing 10x more than usual with the Klingon recruit and the new endeavor levels. For me Cryptic is doing very well. As a very old lifetimer I don't spend money on the game. But I participate!
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    Why stick around?

    I'm barely here anymore. Just doing daily clicky grinds, top 2 endeavors, event. Maybe polish a non-meta/dated build, unlock another starship trait, switch to other proper games which actually deserve time, regular feedback and funding, because developers there are truly dedicated to providing something worthwhile.

    - fun casual space game mechanics & sci-fi space combat
    - multiplayer
    - gameplay mechanics & visual customization options
    - Star Trek-based (though I wish it wasn't as royalties to such IPs aren't worth it)
    - many epic ship designs & ship visual fidelity
    - nice player character models
    - F2P

    - severe game-breaking gameplay-mechanics bugs never addressed in YEARS that will never be fixed within the game's realistic life cycle (too many to list and it keeps growing)
    - blinding visuals & strobe effects with -NO- options to turn them off, including excessive volume sound effects
    - extremely shallow/limited end-game multiplayer-geared PvE content
    - clunky & shallow ground combat mechanics
    - no difficulty scaling based on real-time player performance
    - very poor enemy & friendly NPC AI for both ground & space (move slow, don't chase enough, few in number, don't fire very fast, don't work together, don't do much of anything, etc.)
    - gameplay 'balance'/design catering to DPS/Tac mostly at expense of teamwork synergy & other gameplay elements
    - limited, instanced-based multiplayer, with very few & uninspiring battle zones
    - exclusively combat-oriented neglecting many other RTS options/depth
    - excessive grind/gambling/costs/time-gates/exclusive items/bundles relative to gameplay depth
    - lack of developer interest in, or understanding of, player feedback, bug reports
    - lack of developer engagement in the gameplay and game community
    - landfill of game abilities/powers/items/etc. serving no purpose & lacking balance proportionality to other items
    - cycle of power selling then nerfing to replace and power sell again, promoting & nerfing metas making player time/cash/dedication feel irrelevant
    - etc.
  • edited February 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Recently some people like Kael have been trying to communicate more and I am not sure if he realizes or not.. but that goes a long way and it's helping.

    Good lord yep! This realy can not be highlighted enough. The show of good will already means a lot in my case. I hope they expand on that. Seemed to have worked a whole lot better already some years ago. Lets cross fingers.

    Ps... you want me to take back to Kyle that you think of him to be one big German! Got ya. :)

    STO is like that super hot GF that cheats on you and treats you badly, but you can't bring yourself to leave her because where will you ever find another pair of hooters nacelles like that?

    Lol I'm asking for help here, not for rubbing salt into all my wounds. :D
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • ashstorm1ashstorm1 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    I started playing STO back in 2013, and after 7 years or so of playing the game with regular hiatuses, here's what I have to say :

    Pros :
    - The Trek
    - Vast choice of playable species, and good character editor
    - Enjoyable space and ground combat
    - Overall interesting storyarcs

    Cons :
    - Still many bugs to fix
    - No more Foundry, and this in particular left a huge void for me, one that still has to be filled.
    - Uneven quality from one storyarc to another... Some will keep you on the edge of your seat, some others will make you yawn, and a few (rare) ones will outright make you cringe.
  • fred26291#2759 fred26291 Member Posts: 1,399 Arc User
    I really cant add to this, I am forced to agree with a great many of you regarding the good and increasing BAD in the game.
    If they would stop breaking things and start fixing things for a while that would be greatly appreciated.
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