So I got the T2 Groupee Bundle and started up a new Disco-toon only to find upon finishing the Tutorial that I could not claim the ship. I had to wait till 'Welcome to Earth Spacedock' and further more, pre-Downfall; saw someone with the ship itself. Talking with support indicated this might be a gameplay bug as the message I was getting in the Z-store was the one about not meeting the requirements for the ship. This was rather confusing as I could claim all three 31st Century Timeships, the Legendary Intel Light Warbird, and the Ra'nodaire Support Carrier Warbird...which only the 31st Century ships make sense really (and not that much)...
I do hope someone sees this post and gets back to me. I can't have been the only affected person considering how many of those bundles sold.
"The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."