SO playing my new Klink Recruit, I leveled up to 10 last night. After which, I got a bunch of messages from the system, including one from Lt. S'stas saying my first set of duty officers were available. I noticed a window in the back come up that looked like a list of names. After I had closed or responded to all the messages, I went to checkout how many I received. However, my roster listed zero crew. I traveled back to Qonos to the Academy thinking I must need to physically accept them. However, S'stas did not have an option for this. I checked my email and my inventory and bank. None of which had them in it. I was however able to open a pack of officers I had as a part of a promotion from a few years ago and they showed up in the roster. So, there seems to be a bug that the system knowns I should have them but did not give them to me. I also check the replicator and did not have the option to replicate any emergency holograms. So making this Bug Report per CS.