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BOFF Ship Station Abilities - Can't change/wrong rank - affects ONLY my new Klingon Recruit

vieth1vieth1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
I can't change the ship abilities of BOFFs for various ranks. That is, I have a Commander BOFF, slot him/her, and under the Stations tab where you can change their abilities, any rank above Ensign is "blued out" and no way to change it. It only occurs for certain BOFFs (some do work)...of course it doesn't work for the BOFFs I want to use (argh). Also, sometimes a higher level ability, say a Lt. Commander ability is in the Ensign ability slot!

I've tried logging in and out...changing to different DOFFs...changing toons...changed ships (even to ones that were "working" yesterday)...just started happening today, 1/29

Only happens on my new Klingon (Discovery) recruit character.

ticket: 411421: Ship space abilities for BOFF under Stations - blocked out


  • vieth1vieth1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Is there any cache or temporary files I can clear out?
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