I have an issue that is proper of my Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer. Look at the screenshots (
https://imgur.com/a/UGzZjkE) and you'll see than "Engineering Team III" will repair the ship for 0 points.
In truth any hull-repairing ability, in this ship, will repair for 0 points.
Shield-repairing abilities work as expected, thankfully.
If I switch to another jem'hadar ship (but any ship will do) "Engineering Team III", as well as any other hull-repairing ability, will work as expected.
I've tried to switch to another ship and switch back to this "flawed" ship, but the issue was still present.
I've tried to put the ship in the dry dock, use another ship, and then activate the "flawed" ship, but the issue was still present.
Moreover: the ship is a Fleet T6 ship, but I haven't the respective T6 ship, so I can't scrap the ship and buy back it, since it will cost 5 Fleet Ship Modules.
For this issue I've already contact the STO's support: the bug is under investigation and...
"We will also appreciate it if you can submit a bug report on the official bug report forums as a reference to the information that I will forward to our development team. Posting this on the forums is also a good way for other affected players to pitch in their ideas and experiences."
There is also a problem where the zen store versions of the recon ship (Rom and Jem'H only) do not show up with any vendor except the fleet spire.
This is very frustrating.
Fix it or refound the ppl