I'm playing the new mission-Knowledge is Power_ and this is the second time I've gotten stuck. The first time I got to the crystal room, nothing happened and I had to beam out and beam back in again and do it all again! Now I've finally gotten to the point wher I'm supposed to defeat the Son of None and everyone is just standing there. I can't shoot him, he doesn't move and nothing works!!!!! I can't get my progress for the event done because I can't move on in the mission! Please fix these bugs!
I reported this yesterday and according to the response I got from G M Navi, Specialist Game Master, I'm reporting it here, also, so that you " will see it there and hopefully look into the issue."
No away team to help you. That's just beyond stupid.
Sorry guys but this story mission is simply bs.
When playing as J'Ula all my skills and reputation points are useless because the playable char has only 5 attacks and one healing ability. The opponents are all extremely overpowered so that my char does hardly any damage at all.
The part in the monastery alone took my 1.5h to get through it.
Can you check if there's a bug with the difficulty setting when playing this part of the story?
Beamed out. Beamed back in. Couldn't even get back into the room I was meant to be in, the doors were shut and no way to open them.
It's all very well having Sam Witwer bunging on the deep gravelly voice, but it would be kind of nice if the mission, y'know, worked.
I'm in the exact same spot, can't advance. I beamed out, back in. Beamed out closed the game, went to my ships bridge, came back... every combination I can think of. Every time I'm in the Crystal room "Defeat Akar's forces".... and no bad guys around.