This is just a place to put your desired ship you would one day like to see, all in one place. I am not sure if there is a former list but lets just use this to recap, maybe give some ideas for the community to "Hope" for. Hopefully it will be proactive. Thanks
P.S. this is more about a community wish list, whether or not cryptic listens that will be undoubtedly be up to them.
1. Nova
2. do Ferengi have more than 2 ships?
Edit: There is a new Prometheus Bundle coming to console, is that on PC too?
Well its coming to console Dec. 8th I think it looks cool!
"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'"
Revenge is a Dish, Best Served Cold ~
Khan Noonien Singh
Wasn't there a T6 Version of the D'Kora offered at one point?? I would love to get a T6 version of that ship!
"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'"
Revenge is a Dish, Best Served Cold ~ Khan Noonien Singh
For T6 ships
The fourth is the T5 D'kora but that's retired so no longer obtainable.
As Ferengi ships in canon I think we got 2 (3 if you count the shuttle) so it's not a major pool of ships to begin with.
It would be very nice if we got another version of the Nandi in perhaps a summer event or something, one of my favorite ships, really wish I could get a dang epic token, hehe
"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'"
Revenge is a Dish, Best Served Cold ~ Khan Noonien Singh
My LTS acct has quite a list of ships available. Many of them I got for free or when I was able to buy or grind out zen.
Yeah I can see this, currently in Console deciding what I might use the most, frankly I think the Chimera will probably be my ship for quite some time.
"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'"
Revenge is a Dish, Best Served Cold ~ Khan Noonien Singh
You missed one.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
T6 Nova
What? You said to keep it short...
A full MW seating Romularn Science ship with singularity core.
An "assimilated" singularity core and the ability to use the Tal Shiar consoles on ANY ship.
That is all for now.
Some other ships could be fun to have, but that's the only one I'm willing to pay for. I've already got a lot of science ships, heavy cruisers and escorts, not so many elongated cruisers and the original Star cruiser is still the best design in that ship class.
I used to want a Hirogen Huntmaster Dreadnought Cruiser and a Na'kuhl Khaerops Dreadnought Carrier, but right now I don't think I could get excited even if they released both back to back
I've always enjoyed the design of that Star Cruiser, but preferred the Mirror Assault Cruiser stats more.
The plans are to move everything to T6, that's been said ad nauseum in threads and from the Devs. They just Hate the Nova (or Ryan really pissed someone off...). I am curious what you base the idea of "stoooopid" at this juncture, EDIT= I'm going to cut out the sarcastic remark about how common this is in gaming.
As to ships. Non-canon at this point. I want a Federation class Dreadnaught, any of the TOS and Movie versions of the federation carriers, and a lot of both the Klingon and Romulan ships (a bunch of Fed ships also) from the old FASA tabletop games.
-=(Vulcan/Ferasan)Allied Strike Wing Destroyers=-
TL;DR: Artillery Ships with a long range gun and bomber squadrons.
Police Strike Vessels designed to hunt down and eliminate the most dangerous of criminal elements; in times of war, they can be repurposed as rapid-response artillery vessels. Heavily armed and equipped with some of the most advanced scientific processing to overcome the most tricky of criminal disguises. They come equiped with a spinally mounted Experimental Weapon capable of preventing wanted enemies from escaping and are able to deploy squadrons of Assault Bombers to provide large scale suppression and further interdiction if necessary. Against more heavily armed and armored opponents, these Strike Wing Destroyers are able to deploy their Onager Relays to withstand and besiege any force foolish enough to resist the law.
Allied Strike Wing Destroyers
5/2 Weapon Layout
2/4/4(+1) Console Layout
10 Turn Rate
1 Hangar Bay
+10 Weapons/+10 Engines Power
-1Cmdr Tac
-1En Tac
-1Lt Eng
-1LtCmdr Sci/Pilot
-1LtCmdr Universal
Experimental Weapon - Hypervelocity Interdiction Catapult
-Moderate Kinetic Damage
-12km range
-3km blast radius
-disables targets' engines for 4s (subject to immunity lockout)
-reduce targets' movement by 30% for 10s
-35 degree Forward Firing Arc
-6s recharge
Universal Console - Onager Relays
-Cat1 Kinetic Damage Bonus
-Turn Rate Bonus
Active - Onager Mode:
-Extend Range of Hypervelocity Interdiction Catapult by 2km
-80% movement speed reduction(self)
-40% reduction to incoming Energy Weapon Damage along forward arc
-Being struck in the forward arc by Energy Weapon Damage grants Torpedo Spread once per 6 seconds
-15s Duration
-2m Cooldown
Starship Trait - Synchronized Payloads
-Dispersal Pattern Alpha grants Torpedo High Yield 1 to self and hangar pets; Dispersal Pattern Beta grants Torpedo Spread 1 to self and hangar pets
Vulcan/Ferasan Assault Bomber Squadron ("Heavy Fighter" type; 4 Squadrons(16 craft) per hangar)
-1x Chroniton Torpedo
-1x Plasma/Tetryon Pulse Beam Array
-Shockwave Torpedo Enhancement (Nadeon Detonator Uni Console; ideally without the knockback)
-Emergency Power to Engines 1
-1x Rapid-Fire Chroniton Torpedo
-1x Plasma/Tetryon Pulse Beam Array
-1x Chroniton Mine Launcher
-Shockwave Torpedo Enhancement
-Emergency Power to Engines 1
-Dispersal Pattern Beta 1
-1x Rapid-Fire Chroniton Torpedo
-1x Plasma/Tetryon Pulse Beam Omni
-2x Chroniton Mine Launcher (or a rapid-fire launcher)
-Shockwave Torpedo Enhancement
-Subspace Jump (Subspace Jumper Uni Console; 40s cooldown)
-Dispersal Pattern Beta 2
Allied Pulse Weapons
Vulcan - Plasma Pulse Beam/Cannons
Ferasan - Tetryon Pulse Beam/Cannons
(both have a built-in 5 armor&shield Penetration modifier)
-Owning a ship gives access to its weapon variants in the Dilithium Store.
2. Nova
3. T6 versions of the TOS and Disco starter ships
4. T6 Steamrunner
T6 versions of the Old Ships usually gets us that, since they are built to be compatible with the T1/T3/T5/Fleet ones.
Legendary Excelsior.
Legendary D'deridex.
-Norway Class
-Freedom Class (From wolf 359, not JJ trek)
-Mayflower Class (Miranda-ish ship from jj trek)
-Oberth Class (because a year later my account is STILL glitched and I cant buy one lol)
Non canon:
-Saladin Class (Single Nacelle TOS ship from several non canon sources)
-Okinawa Class (from Klingon Academy)
-Akula Class (TOS or TMP) (Kelvin-ish ship from Klingon Academy)
-Ulysses Class (Klingon Academy)
-Premonition Class (Star Trek Armada 1)
-Bonaventure (non-canon? From The Animated Series)
Thanks, that did give me the answer I was curious about, and almost exactly what I figured. The edit wasn't really for anyone per say, my sarcastic answer would have given away my guess on your reasoning, and I wanted an answer that was free of the forewarning.