I don't imagine the STO team takes fan suggestions on ships they would like to see in game, but just for fun I'd like to know what people feel is missing from the ship roster or ships that people would just like to see in general. Me personally I'd like to see: -Norway class (Canon). We already have Olso imitation/refit. Why not the real thing? -Freedom Class (Canon wolf 359 wreck. They already used name for another ship though...) -Ulysses Class(TMP non canon from older games) -Okinawa Class(same as Ulysses) -Akula/Appolo class(same as Ulysses) -Hermes/Saladin Class (TOS non canon similar to uss Kelvin).
If IP rights weren't such an issue then I would say some of the better FASA ships (especially the Romulan V30, T10, and S9, and the Orion Wanderer (which was also in DS9 in a roundabout way) since I translated some of my old FASA characters into STO and having their original ships for them would be great), and the Saladin from Franz Joseph. But that is never going to happen (though the Franklin type could end up in the game eventually).
On the other hand, for ships that are strictly canon that have not appeared as playable ships, I would like to see:
The Yeager class. The idea of a kitbash using a heavy freighter hull as a secondary hull is a good one that echo's some of the conversions from WWII. Problem is that a lot of people hate it because they think the freighter is the courier that the Maquis raider was made from despite the fact that Star Trek has always reused models at different scales for different ships. Also the complex shape of the ship might be be too high poly for the game if it was done to the same quality as other newer ships.
Some of the other DS9 Kitbash fleet like the Raging Queen/Curry type, and the Jupp type. Also the Kobyashi Maru would have looked more like a freighter if it was of the Bradford type with its two long cargo pods.
Also some of the Wolf 359 and Reunification ships like the flat four-engine Excelsior study model type and the original McQuarrie PoT Enterprise type (which has been on camera in TMP (only partially visible) and the junkyard in TNG (clearly visible in the background)). The Planet of Titans ship is clearly a different ship from the Crossfield class (though the DSC ship was loosely inspired by it).
The Orion scout and the Gorn ship from the remastered version of TOS, and a full size version of the Orion Interceptor from ENT (currently the game uses the Interceptor as fighters only).
Also the Excalibur class that is seen for a few seconds two times in the game (the one nicknamed the "sitting dog").
For original ships I would like to see some more Benthan ships (they have interesting lines and the glowy hull parts are nice).
I always thought the vertical stack aestietc made alot of sense from a gunnery point if view. We have the constellation class so why not a challenger class. Or even a new one.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
On the other hand, for ships that are strictly canon that have not appeared as playable ships, I would like to see:
The Yeager class. The idea of a kitbash using a heavy freighter hull as a secondary hull is a good one that echo's some of the conversions from WWII. Problem is that a lot of people hate it because they think the freighter is the courier that the Maquis raider was made from despite the fact that Star Trek has always reused models at different scales for different ships. Also the complex shape of the ship might be be too high poly for the game if it was done to the same quality as other newer ships.
Some of the other DS9 Kitbash fleet like the Raging Queen/Curry type, and the Jupp type. Also the Kobyashi Maru would have looked more like a freighter if it was of the Bradford type with its two long cargo pods.
Also some of the Wolf 359 and Reunification ships like the flat four-engine Excelsior study model type and the original McQuarrie PoT Enterprise type (which has been on camera in TMP (only partially visible) and the junkyard in TNG (clearly visible in the background)). The Planet of Titans ship is clearly a different ship from the Crossfield class (though the DSC ship was loosely inspired by it).
The Orion scout and the Gorn ship from the remastered version of TOS, and a full size version of the Orion Interceptor from ENT (currently the game uses the Interceptor as fighters only).
Also the Excalibur class that is seen for a few seconds two times in the game (the one nicknamed the "sitting dog").
For original ships I would like to see some more Benthan ships (they have interesting lines and the glowy hull parts are nice).
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus