I have been told by Chancellor Knuckles to post here regarding my issue.
I have a bug with the following missions, Power source,Secrets of the ancients and Sphere of Influence. I started Power source following the mission untill the first incounter with the tholians were my game will crash giving me a criptic error ID number, after a few mins of testing the crash happens in the same place time and time again, I put in a ticket and skiped the mission. On starting Secrets of the Ancients my pc once again froze then quit to the desktop after a short time in the same place as the last mission. after getting help from CS I was told to "Force Verify" this did not fix the issue. After being told my issue was being sent to the escalation department I skipped the mission and started Sphere of Influence, I got to the gate room were again my pz froze and quit.
At this point I did a new install on a diffent drive and re did the mission's I started back at Power source were a merry dance of my pc freazing and me reloading quickly let me finnish the misson it took me about 16 reloads to finnish it. I got a replay back from the escalation department and Chancellor Knuckles told me to post here saying " Based on the information you supplied it looks like the issue is the result of a bug and while I don't have a fix for you, I'll gather the details that you've given to me and pass them on for further investigation."
Yeh i thought the same so i set everything to the lowest poss, but it crashed in the same place. The CS say it's a bug there end so i dunno what to do now.
I see you skipped but with no luck. You've already force verified so recommending that is a no. Do you have on demand patching on or off. If on turn it off. You've also done a new install. You could try a dns flush. Roll back your driver.