I wish to report a bug regarding switching between ships. Upon switching between a T5 to a T6 ship, my bridge crew tray layout in the hud changes. It cannot be reset to default, this happens on all my characters. When switching back to a T5 the hud rests back to default, to make it clear while on an T6 I get a new bridge crew layout in the hud and it cannot be reset. I hope this is fixable and that I can get my hud layout back
Provide screen shots please. As with coldnapalm I too are at a loss to what exactly you are referring too. Press F12 and you can resize layouts. Elongate them if you wish, or squish them up if you wish.
Firstly. If you want to keep everything on screen, then you may need to lower your interface scaling from the options.
Secondly I personally find having the power levels ui visible all the time is not needed. Once the power levels are set, having it visible (for me that is) is a waste.
Next I have my Endeavor ui up next to my mini map, thus giving extra space below for power tray, Boff tray etc etc etc.
Do whatever best suits you. Play around with the interface scale and F12 and find what you like.
Stay safe, Keep well
Not sure what you meant by the endevour ui but ok ty.
Well I am playing for a year, and for a year I had one line just like on the T5 not sure why it changed now... But that's how it was anyways ty for the feedback.
Ok ty eh I tought my power setting are set to defense so that I don't die alot.
As per your image you have your endeavor ui bottom right corner with what looks like the low priority message over lapping it it. That endeavor ui window I have to the left of my mini map in the upper right.
Well sure not sure how to move it tough. I just want to add something upon cheking some stuff ingame I got my default ui back it was a resolution problem. I'm suprised how no one tought of that, how something so simple can mess things up. We would made poor engi and sci officers but anyways upon switching the to the right resolution I got it back. Here's a screenshot.
I am not really sure what the problem is here, I use A2B disruptor energy beam build with the nusicaan 3 piece which I inted to sawp after I get my spiral wave disruptors. So I don't know where is the problem with my build.
Well i'm sorry. Take care.