After running through my entire 20+ character list, there are about a third of them who cannot claim the ship. I clicked on the greyed-out ship on one and got the message:
"You must have completed the No-Win Scenario to claim this ship. Also, you cannot already have the Admiralty card."
But if two-thirds of my roster are able to claim it despite already having the admiralty card and not having run the event, why can't the others also claim it?
These are the ones who can't claim it:
Jacob: Alien, Fed, sci
Stephvin: FedRom, engi
Aurora: Caitian/DR, engi, Fed
Komodo'Liung: FedJ-H, tac
Nuras: Ferasan, KDF, sci
Lilly: Human, Fed, sci.
And those who can claim:
Samma FedRom/DR
Trogg: Tellarite, Fed, engi
Chris: (ran the event) Human LibBorg, Fed, engi
Xavier: JT, Fed, sci
Jakk: Klingon, KDF, sci
Amee: Tellarite, Fed, engi
Vince: FedRomLibBorg, sci
Jax: Human/AoY, Fed, sci
Shyann: Klingon, KDF, tac
Ra'vyn: Alien, Fed, engi
Ba'goth: Klingon, Fed, tac
Kylen: FedCardi, engi
Rowena: Alien, Fed, tac
Leonid: Caitian, Fed, engi.
Why can't the first list claim the ship, as it comes boxed and some of them I know have several slots open?
Also I went back to check their inventories and all have space. Only Nuras had a DOFF stuck in the overflow. I bought him some more DOFF slots and cleared that and he still can't claim the ship. So it isn't lack of space or something in the overflow.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.