Bug report: On craft, an Ultra-Rare Omni-Directional Beam Array does not ever roll the R&D modifiers [Pen], [Thrust], [Over], or [Snare].
Background: It used to be possible to make Omni-Directional Beam Arrays with the R&D modifiers [Pen], [Thrust], [Over], and [Snare] if and only if the modifier rolled on the initial craft AND the Omni-Directional Beam Array went Ultra-Rare on initial craft. Omni-Directional Beams have three fixed mods otherwise: [Acc][Arc][Dmg]. I am 100% positive that this was possible because not only are there several for sale on the Exchange at exorbitant prices, but a fleetmate's ship has one made about three years ago.
Recently, I made 50 Omni-Directional Beam Arrays to see if I could generate one with one of the R&D modifiers. Out of those, 20 went Ultra-Rare on initial craft. Of those 20 Ultra-Rare Omni-Directional Beam Arrays, not a single one contained ANY of the R&D modifiers [Pen], [Thrust], [Over], or [Snare]. A poster on Reddit added another 10 Ultra-Rare Omni-Directional Beam Arrays to the sample size and still no R&D modifiers. Regular Beam Arrays do not have this problem. I made 12 Beam Arrays and 7 of them contained R&D modifiers.
Statistically, it is impossible to say that I would flip a coin 30 times and only tails would show up, or roll a fair dice and get only odd numbers in 30 rolls. I could believe that RNG screwed me if I was missing one of the R&D modifiers in 30 rolls, but missing all 4 modifiers means that something is broken.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Train a character in least level 15 R&D in Beam Weapons (but preferably level 20),
2) Equip a character with a duty officer with the Beams R&D school specialization (preferably Very Rare or better)
3) Supply the character with the appropriate R&D components from the Beams R&D school. Having 4 of each type except Isolinear Chips (need 3 of those) will suffice.
4) Attempt to craft Omni-Directional Beam Arrays. The use of +50 and +25 Skill Catalysts is advised to increase the chance of the Omni-Directional Beam Array going Ultra-Rare on the initial craft.
5) Observe a statistically significant sample size and notice that no R&D modifiers ([Pen], [Thrust], [Over], or [Snare]) exist in crafted items despite there being examples on the Exchange and regular Beam Arrays having no issues being crafted with those modifiers.
Additional context:
-This has not been tested with cannons (specifically the craftable Wide-Arc cannons) or the craftable Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo but those would be worth investigation to see if the same problem occurs with those and their respective special modifiers. I am not throwing another 775,000 dilithium's worth of very rare components to do another 50-sample test with those unless Cryptic directly injects it into my account.
-I used the same duty officer Tesva P'siv from the K-13 Holding across 4 characters of varying careers. I do not believe that should matter.
-I believe this test case is 100% repeatable. It did not always work this way.
Omni beams with those mods already exist. Go check the exchange on PC; search for [Pen] in descending order. They used to be craftable. Now they are not. They are not in the same slot as the [Arc] mod.
Gaevsman may be correct that they were never intended to be craftable--I don't know for sure--but is incorrect in that you can in-fact re-engineer an Omni with a non-standard mod like [Over] because my fleetmate did it (though not the [Over] mod itself, which is locked. That's the same as it is with [Over] with regular Beam Arrays).