I got a hell of allot of the purple diamonds and 8k limit is 2 small, can't ya increase it to 10k or something?? Or have a bonus dillithium refinng weekend or something??? (Bernie Sanders would allow us 2 refine all the dillith we got!) All the other ways folks have mentioned dont work 4 me, also my fleet level is still 0. (And Q only knows just how long it would take 2 refine all, and it keeps increasing; no earth bank has deposit limits)
Also why the hell R Romulin players allowed on fed bases?? My Fed character can't go 2 Rom CMD; I wanna go 2 Rom CMD as a fed and not just the embassy. I also saw some ROM scum on Qnos!!!!! Last time I checked K's hate rom scum more than the Borg!!!
If you want to understand Roms, play their storyline.
2. The Romulan "faction" is just a mini-faction. Early in their storyline, you have to choose whether to align with Fed or KDF, and then the rest of your questing is following that faction's arcs.
Actually, your second point is a bit invalid in regards to the latter half of what you said.
Romulans continue following the story line specific to them at least until the end of Cutting the Cord. After that, the story line is unified so that the Cardassian arc happens for Klingons, Romulans and Starfleet.
And as others have said... for RvB content, Green is listed as either Red or Blue based on your ally choice.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I really wish that people would read the fct thread before posting to see if that topic is there.
I think the problem is that refinement is such a touchy subject.
Most people look at the picture that to get gear, you need to spend time grinding for the dilithium. However, you can pull in more than you refine on one character a day, so to get anywhere, you need to log on daily just to refine it. If you don't have reputation tracks to Tier 6 for example, reputation set gear costs about 4/5 days of refinement on one character. They think that an increase in the refinement cap would be not to much to ask. They don't think about the dilithium exchange at all.
In this person's case though, it sounds like they're trying to do a fleet from scratch, which is a huge drain on dilithium. If they're alone on this, then of course its going to take forever to do.
If you want to level up a solo fleet by yourself quickly, you can buy dil with zen.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
IIRC as far as the game is conserned there's 5 romulan factions, 1 TOS, 25c Hostile, 25c friendly (non-alligned), 25c (FED alligned) and 25c (KDF alligned). The 25c friendly (non-alligned) is used for the romulan players faction before they choose an ally.
Note that Romulan players don't become members when ally with either of the major factions, however for most things they're treated like members, it's only the storyline and certain romulan only social zones being the differences.
There is a reason why someone like Joe Biden was able to overtake Bernie, think about that for a moment
All raising the dilithium cap would do is cause Zen prices to rise, if your fleet is still zero sounds like you need a new fleet because everyone in your fleet is too stingy to give any dilithium to help build it.
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