I came in second with 381 points (The first score was 382). I didn't get my badge box, my daily progress or the offer for reputation marks. I scrolled back into my log and it tells me that "You have been assigned an AFK penalty for not participating enough in this queued event.
At "The adjusting parts phase" I has blue straight across and I made two of the three into purples. I came in second by 1 point. I didn't leave the keyboard and I was constantly doing stuff up until the rockets took off. I even used my reputation display as the rockets went up. I followed the rockets with my cursor to see when mine exploded. I don't have time to wait for the queue to reset, as I'm being penalized because I was afk, which I most def was not.
At "The adjusting parts phase" I has blue straight across and I made two of the three into purples. I came in second by 1 point. I didn't leave the keyboard and I was constantly doing stuff up until the rockets took off. I even used my reputation display as the rockets went up. I followed the rockets with my cursor to see when mine exploded. I don't have time to wait for the queue to reset, as I'm being penalized because I was afk, which I most def was not.