My account bank slots are missing and cannot be accsesed. I am a lifetime member so I should have some free ones. Also I did purchase some via the zen store but they never showed up. Also I cannot depost Energy credits into account bank the deposit button is blue but nothing happens when pressed.
I already spent 5000 zen on this. Please Help!!!
I am a free to play player and when i open the account bank from any console other than on my ship's bridge, it is 'smushed' and i can't acces my slots. The only thing is see is the top part (where you can switch between personal and account bank) and the credit deposit/withdraw part of the account bank. The slots (which are mostly filled) are normally between these two parts, but for this character they are gone. However, when i enter the account bank through the console on my ship's bridge, i can see the bank normally and acces the slots. Also, my other characters can normally acces the account bank.
Can anyone help me?
Try clicking the little blue arrow to fold up the newly introduced filter bar.
Also try resizing the bank window to a bigger size via positioning the mouse cursor on the bottom right corner.
If that doesn't help, request GM help via the question mark button to the right of your minimap.
Wow why didn't i think of this before?!?
Thank you very much!