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Tutorials, All Of Them, Same Problem

toddmillhousetoddmillhouse Member Posts: 60 Arc User
Platform - PC

I've been playing this game for nearly 9 years and this problem has persisted for that entire time. In all existing tutorials currently in game I'm finding the same problem. The little Tutorial Popups, there is a little check box in them to disable them. And they don't work, I've clicked every single one that appears and they keep appearing afterwards. Now if its only for "That" box the checkbox should be removed and a Disable All be added to the 1st popup that appears. I know it's a little thing but it's annoying as hell to have my whole UI locked up for a popup I've thought I've disabled.



  • hosanin#8084 hosanin Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    There are a few which are mission related and can't be disabled (ship replicator) but for the main ones that can instead of using the box on the pop-up go into the notification settings (drop down menu under mini-map) and at the very bottom there is a box for it. if it is ticked then remove it then add it back. Been doing it this way for the last few years and it usually works.
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