When completing the Mission: Satellite Defense (Kelsid System Patrol) the accolades for the mission (Anticipated, Expected, and Prepared) are never awarded. The technique I use is to start at the 12 o’clock position and bring all the satellites online within the allotted time. I have played several times and only one character was awarded Anticipated.
It would be nice for some instruction on what is expected to complete the accolades.
- Set full power to engines so you can manage a lap in time
- Use one of the starting position listed below and move clockwise
- Activate all satellites except the final one
- Wait for wave 1 to spawn and kill all ships
- Wait for timer to reach ~0:07 and activate the final sat
- Repeat the above procedure for the remaining waves or warp out if an accolade has popped
12 o'clock as starting position seems to trigger Anticipated
4 o'clock as starting position seems to trigger Expected
9 o'clock as starting position seems to trigger Prepared
Each accolade seems to pop when you place the final Alpha sat. I have not seen more than one accolade per attempt. Sometimes Anticipated pops just by entering the map.
Hope this helps.
"-Grind is good!" --Gordon Geko
Accolades checklist: https://bit.ly/FLUFFYS