The same bug has been on PC since November. There's a few workarounds. Supposedly Vaadwaur constriction anchors are the best, lock Enterprise down and destroy her. I managed it with tractor beams. In either case, the basic idea is this: clear the rest of the ships and then match speed with Enterprise but hold fire. When she's within about 12km (preferably inside 10km) of the NPC pack tractor her and drop tractor mines or constriction anchor. For some reason if the NPCs manage to engage there's a chance she'll stand and fight, but if you blow all your cooldowns she just keeps flying. There's a very good chance the tractor won't lock, she does have high resistance, but not immunity.
When I managed this, the mission just abruptly flagged as complete afterward instead of what should have happened, so there's more bugged than just the Enterprise, but you've got a snowball's chance at least.
As a new player and not having enough power to defeat the iss enterprise or abilities to stop it, it is impossible to defeat it and continue the mission. can we please get a fix.
When I managed this, the mission just abruptly flagged as complete afterward instead of what should have happened, so there's more bugged than just the Enterprise, but you've got a snowball's chance at least.