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Items Missing: Using ship tailor to adjust appearance between multiple ships

veronwthevashveronwthevash Member Posts: 4 Arc User
During a session of regular space barbie, I went about adjusting the appearance of a number of my ships. As usual, when switching ships, my items transferred normally between each craft.

However, when I went to return to the original ship that I fly as my primary at the moment, I realized that half the items on my ship were simply gone.

When hovering my mouse over them, it gives me an 'this item is on another ship' error, but after scouring the entirety of all ships I possess including the bank, account bank, and overflow bag, I was unable to locate them.

Items are as follows:

Terran task force phaser beam array
prolonged engagement photon torpedo
prolonged engagement phaser beam array
iconian resistance covariant shield array
universal console hull image refrequencer
prolonged engagement power dynamo
reinforced engineering console
martok console

This occurred on 1/5/2020 at around 2 pm.


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,612 Arc User
    The tooltips should also say which ship they are equipped on.
    At least the Prolonged Engagement stuff is likely reclaimable from the Dilithium or Event stores, assuming that's where they came from and you haven't upgraded them beyond XII yet...
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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