I had spoken to a GM about a bug that hasn't been fixed yet and I thought this latest update would have fixed it but I'm still having issues with upgrading items from the Reputation area.
When I craft items in the Reputation area I like to upgrade them so they are stronger than when I received them. I have been able to do this in the past but for the past month or more I haven't been able to. When I open my items area, I can see the item in my inventory. I then click on "upgrade" and another window opens. I then click on the box so I can find the item I like to upgrade but it's no were to be found. I sent this to the GM and he said he would forward the information to the developer to make sure it's fixed. I'm guessing it will take awhile before it's fixed. The GM asked me to write about my experience to see if there are any other people who are having the same issue.
I'm not sure if I'm able to post screenshots to this discussion but I'll try. I just looked and I can't attach pictures like you can on Facebook. I'm not going to do a URL because it takes to long to do that. I think the people who do this forum, should redo it so it's easier to post pictures. Just a thought!!
Let me know if there is anyone else having this same problem.
Thank you.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator