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Odyssey Winter Sweater Package is the Enterprise Sweater

jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,853 Arc User
edited December 2019 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I'm not sure if this is a text error or just a copy and paste item error, but either way. I have now purchased two Odyssey sweater packs on one character. When I cracked the first one and went to the Tailor, it shows the only sweater I have is the Enterprise sweater. I figured I bought the wrong one and bought another. I can't open it because it says I can only have one of the item, so it's clearly mislabeled! Either way, can this be fixed, please?!?

Edit: The Enterprise sweater package is the Odyssey sweater. A simple text change should make this all less confusing.


  • jameswilliejameswillie Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    The same has happened to me. I purchased the Festive Ody sweater on my Dico Captain and the description when I purchased it and before I opened it said "Festive Ody" but when I opened it and went to the tailor it was the Festive Ent. I also thought I bought the wrong one so I went to another Fed character and the same thing occurred. I also purchased these items differently each time. First was at the vendor , 2nd was thru the event tab. I have no idea what u get if u purchased the actual Festive Ent. sweater.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,853 Arc User
    The same has happened to me. I purchased the Festive Ody sweater on my Dico Captain and the description when I purchased it and before I opened it said "Festive Ody" but when I opened it and went to the tailor it was the Festive Ent. I also thought I bought the wrong one so I went to another Fed character and the same thing occurred. I also purchased these items differently each time. First was at the vendor , 2nd was thru the event tab. I have no idea what u get if u purchased the actual Festive Ent. sweater.

    You get the Odyssey sweater by opening the Enterprise package.
  • jameswilliejameswillie Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    jcsww wrote: »
    The same has happened to me. I purchased the Festive Ody sweater on my Dico Captain and the description when I purchased it and before I opened it said "Festive Ody" but when I opened it and went to the tailor it was the Festive Ent. I also thought I bought the wrong one so I went to another Fed character and the same thing occurred. I also purchased these items differently each time. First was at the vendor , 2nd was thru the event tab. I have no idea what u get if u purchased the actual Festive Ent. sweater.

    You get the Odyssey sweater by opening the Enterprise package.

    Of course u do lol.
  • knighthaven2069knighthaven2069 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I had this happen in reverse I purchased the enterprise sweater and got the odyssey I put in a support ticket to see what they were going to do about getting the correct sweater and was told they could do nothing as the devs are working on a solution and directed me to pout in a bu report here. I have no desire to purchase the odyssey in hopes I get the enterprise one that I wanted.
  • knighthaven2069knighthaven2069 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    so now according to the patch notes the sweaters will be fixed in tomorrow's patch but no mention on whether there going to make it right for those of us that got the wrong one.
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