OK not sure if there is another thread since the subjects are confusing but this is my problem. there was a item in the Z store that if we had not completed the t6 ship coupon event we could buy whatever was left to buy it or something like that and so I used 2400 or so zen, it took my zen but no coupon also it does not show event page or Q page either. I thought it was lag so I waited 24 hrs but no coupon or zen, in all the time I've played this game I've never had this happen, I'm at a loss as to what I should do?
Fleet Admiral Stephen
Contact Cryptic support and let them know what happened. If possible make sure you note down the date and time when you purchased the booster. Also tell Cryptic support the character you were on when you purchased the booster. Also ensure you tell them which T6 ship coupon event as there have been 2 (1 finished and 1 currently running).
Not sure of their e-mail address for support, as there support page doesnt exactly have that info
Wish i could be of more help, sorry
Really? I always just visit their web page and create a ticket when things have gone wrong: https://support.arcgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new